Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/474

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402 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. Srnrs, Or, a chevron between three boars' heads erased, azure. (Crrst, A stag's head couped at the neck, proper. Supporters, Two stags, proper. Seats, Duncrub- castle, Perthshire; Dumcrieff-house, Moffat, Dumfries-shire ; Wil- mington, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Clubs, Athenaeum, Reform, Brooks's, University. HOLLO, Baron, His lordship's predecessor was his father, William, 9th Baron Rollo. He was b. May 28, 1809, and succeeded his father, Dec 24, 1846 : m. Oct. 21, 1834, Elizabeth, daughter of John Rogerson, Esq. of Wamphray and Dumcrieff- house, Dumfries-shire, (she d. 1836) : and d. Oct. 8, 1852, having had issue an only son. ROMILLY, BARON. (ROMILLT.) WILLIAM ROMILLT, 2nd Baron. Born April 14th, 1835; succeeded his father in 1874 ; educated at Trinity College, Cam- bridge ; served sometime as Lieut, in the 23rd" Royal Welsh Fusiliers: called to the Bar at Gray's Inn 1864 ; is Clerk of En- rolments in Chancery: married 1st (1865) Emily Idonea Sophia, who died 1866, daughter of Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant, and has issue, living, Sow, John Gaspard Le Marchant, b. 1866. His lordship married 2ndly (1872), Helen, eldest daughter of the late E. Hanson Denison, Esq. Brothers living, Edward, b. 1838, m. 1861. Henry, b. 1845. Arthur, b. 1850. Sisters living, Anne, *. 1837, m. 1861 (Swanston) . Mary, b. 1841, m. 1864 (Nicholson). Sophie, b. 1846. Lucy Henrietta, b. 1848, m. 1870 (Crompton). Creation, Baron Romilly, of Barry, Glamorganshire, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1865. Argent : in base, a rock, with nine points, issuant from each of which a lily, all proper ; on a chief, azure, a crescent between two mullets, of the first. (Crrst, on a wreath, upon a rock, proper, a crescent, argent. Supporters, on either side a greyhound, argent, gorged with a collar flory counterflory, azure, and charged on the shoulder with a ly slipped, proper. Residence, 2, Ovington Gardens, S.W. Club, Brooks's. EOMILLY, Baron, His lordship's predecessor was his father, John, P.C., K.B., 1st Baron Romilly, 2nd son of Sir Samuel Romilly, M.P., a celebrated Advocate, Statesman, and distinguished Philanthropist. He was A.Jan. 10, 1802; was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826), and called to the Bar at Gray's Inn (of which he was a Bencher) 182/; sat as M.P. for Bridport and Devonport 183252; was Solicitor-General 184850, Attorney- General 18501, and Master of the Rolls 185173. Received the honour of knighthood 1848, and was created a peer 1865 : m. 1833, Caroline, who d. 1856, daughter of the Right Rev. William Otter, D.D., Lord Bishop of Chichester, and d. Dec. 1874, leaving issue four sons and four daughters.