Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/50

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OCCURRENCES DURING PRINTING. DE BLAQUIERE, Baron Clubs United Service, Army and Navy, Scientific. DERBY, Earl of Installed as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, Dec. 1875, and created Hon. LL.D. thereof. DE VESCI, Viscount The 3rd Viscount died Dec. 23rd, 1875, and is succeeded by his son, John Robert William, whose h. p. is his brother Eustace. EDINBURGH, H.R.H. the Duke of Daughter christened Dec. 15th, 1875, Marie Alexandra Victoria. ELY, Marquess of Sister Marion Jane, married 2ndly, 1875 (Bourne). ERNE, Earl of, in the peerage of Ireland created a Baron of the United Kingdom, Jan. 1876. FERENAUGH, Baron title of the Earl of Erne on Roll of H.L. GERARD, BARON. (GERARD.) ROBERT TOLVER GERARD, 1st Baron, son of the late John Gerard, Esq., of Windle Hall, Lancashire. Born 1808; succeeded his brother, Sir John as 13th Baronet 1854 ; educated at Oscott Roman Catholic College ; entered the Carabineers 1828, beceme Lieut. 1836, Captain 1837, and retired 1838 ; is a Dep. Lieut, and a Magistrate for Lancashire, of which county he was High Sheriff 1859; has been Lieut. Col. of the Lancashire Yeomanry Cavalry since 1855, and Yeomanry Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, with the rank of Col. since 1867 : married (1849) Harriet, daughter of E. Clifton, Esq., and has issue, living, Sons, William Cansfield, b. 1851 ; educated at Oscott Roman Catholic College : is a Lieut- in the 2nd Life Guards. Clubs, White's, Boodle's, Maryborough. Robert Joseph, b. 185/. Daughters, Monica Mary. Catherine Frances. Brother living, Frederick Sewallis, b. 1811 ; is a Dep. Lieut, and a Magistrate for Lan- cashire, and Major in the Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry ; in. 1835, Mary Ann, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Wilkinson, Vicar of Kirk Hullam, Derbyshire. Residence, Aspul House, near Wigan. Club, Boodle's. Creation, Baron Gerard, of Bryn, in the county palatine of Lancaster, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 18/6. A Baronet, l6l 1 . Slrms, Argent, a saltire gules. (Crest, A lion rampant ermine, crowned. MOTTO, En Dieu est mon esperanco. In God is my hope. Seat, Garswood, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire. Town Residence, 35, Grosvenor Square, W. Clubs, White's, Boodle's, Marlborough. GORE (ORMSBY-GORE), family name of Baron Harelch. GOSFORD, Baron Brother and heir presumptive promoted to Capt. and Lieut. Col. Coidstream Guards, Jan. 5th, 1876. GOUGH, Viscount Eldest son appointed Adjutant 14th Hussars 1875. GREVILLE, Baron Became Hon. Col. of Westmeath Militia Dec. 1875. GROSVENOR, Lady Richard died 1876. HARLECH, BARON. (ORMSBY-GORE.) JOHN RALPH ORMSBY-GORE, eldest son of the late William Ormsby-Gore, Esq., of Porkington, Shropshire, many years M.P, for North Salop, by Mary Jane, only daughter and heiress of Owen Ormsby, Esq., of Willowbrook, co. Sligo. Born June 3rd, 1816 ; educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford, (M.A. 18). Was a Groom in Waiting to Her Majesty 184159. Sat as M.P. lor Carnarvonshire (C.) 1837 41, and for Shropshire North 185975. Is a Magistrate and a Dep. Lieut, of Shropshire and Carnarvon- shire : married (1844) Sarah, youngest daughter of Sir John Tyssen Tyrell, 2nd Bart., and has issue, living :