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528 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE 1862-7 ; has been Vicar of St. Peter's, Onslow Gardens, Brompton, and Chap, in Ordinary to H.M. since 1867 ; appointed Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, 1874 : m. (i) 1859 Florence Louisa (who d. 1862), youngest da. of Sir William Miles, ist Bart. ; (2) 1866 Emily Georgina, el. da. of Lord Frederick Kerr, R.N. The Parson- age, Onslow Gardens, S. W. ; Tra- vellers Club. BYNG, Hon. Henry William John, son of the 2nd Earl of Strafford, P.C. ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Eton ; was a Page of Honor to H.M. 1840-47 ; entered the Cold stream Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1847, became Lieut, and Capt. 1854, and Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1856, retired 1863 : was a Groom in Waiting in Ordinary to H.M. 1872-74, when he was ap- pointed an Equerry in Ordinary to H.M. : m. 1863 the Countess Henrietta Danneskiold Samsoe, 20, Carllon House Terrace; United Service, White's, and Brooks s Clubs. BYNG, Hon. James Master Owen, son of the 6th Viscount Torrington ; b. 1818 ; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1852 ; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Kent and Sussex, has been 12 years Chm. of the So. East. Rail- way Co. : m. 1856 Caroline Louisa, 2nd da. of William Cook, Esq., of Roydon Hall, Kent. Great Culvcrdcn, Tunbridge Wells; Athenceum Club. BYNG, Hon. William Frederick, son of the ist Earl of Strafford ; formerly Capt. i3th Light Dragoons, and Lieut, ist Surrey Light Horse Vol. Corps : m. 1861 Flora Fox, only da. of Major Quintus Vivian. 33, St. George s Road, Eccleston Square. BYNG, Hon. Mrs. John Amelia, da. of Mayne, Esq. : m. 1806, Hon. John Byng (who d. 1811) son of the 5th Viscount Torrington. BYNG, Lady Agnes Mary Georgi- ana, da. of the 2nd Earl of Strafford ; b. 1833 : m. 1858 the Hon. Hedworth Hylton Joliffe, el. son of the ist Baron Hylton, from whom she was divorced at her husband's suit, 1872. BYRON, Hon. and Rev. Augustus, son of the 7th Baron Byron ; b. 1828 ; ed. at Merton Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1849, M.A. 1852), was Rector of Corton-Denham, Somerset, 1852-8 : m. 1852 Frederica, da. of Gen. Sir Thomas M'Mahon, 2nd Bart. ; has been since 1861 Rector of Kirkby Mallory, near Hinckley. BYRON, Hon. and Rev. William, son of the 7th Baron Byron ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1852, M.A. 1857), and became Fellow of all Souls' ; was Vicar of Lewknor, Oxfordshire, 1855-7 : m - I ^S7 Mary Elizabeth, da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Torin Kindersley; was Rector of Stoke Talmage, Tetsworth, 1857- 74, when he was appointed Rector of Stowlangtoft, Bury St. Edmunds. BYRON, Hon. Mrs. Frederick, da. of the Rev. William Wescomb, Rector of Langford, Essex : m. 1851 the Hon. Frederick Byron (who d, 1861), second surviving son of the 7th Baron Byron. 5, Grafton Street, IV. CADOGAN, Hon. Arthur Charles, son of the 4th Earl Cadogan ; b. 1841 ; entered the R.N. 1855, and became Lieut. 1861 ; appointed Capt. 3rd Middlesex Militia 1868 : m. 1870 Alice Charlotte, da. of the late Richard Arabin, Esq. 17, Sout/i Street, Park Lane, W. ; St. James's Club. CADOGAN, Lady Augusta Sarah, da. of the 3rd Earl Cadogan ; is Hon. Lady-in-Waiting to the Duchess of Cambridge. 22, Queen Street, May fair, W. CADOGAN, Hon. Cecil James George, son of the 4th Earl Cadogan ; b. 1846; entered the R.N. 1860; appointed Sub and Acting Sub-Lieut. 1865 ; served on the N. American and West Indian stations; appointed Lieut, and Acting Lieut, to H.M.S. "Forte" 1868, to the " Royal Alfred " 1869, to the "Minotaur" 1870, and to the " Britannia," 1871. Naval and Mili- tary Club. CADOGAN, Hon. Charles George Henry, son of the 4th Earl Cadogan ; b. 1850 ; ed. at Eton ; appointed Ensign and Lieut. Grenadier Guards 1870, and Lieut, and Capt. 1872 ; m. 1874, Henrietta Wilhelmina, 3rd da. of Henry Montgomery, Esq., of Gothenburg.