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542 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Capt. in the Berkshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1875 ; i, Great Cumberland Place, Hyde Park, W. CRICHTON, Hon. Constance Em- ma Augusta, da. of the 3rd Baron Lilford : m. 1867 Arthur William Crichton, Esq. Broadward Hall, Salop. CRICHTON, Hon. Charles Frede- rick, son of the 3rd Earl of Erne, K.P. ; b. 1841; ed. at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1861) ; entered the Grenadier Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1861, became Lieut, and Capt. 1864, and Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1871; m. 1873 Lady Madeline Olivia Susan, da. of the 3rd Marquess of Headfort. CRICHTON, Hon. Henry George Louis, son of the 3rd Earl of Erne, K.P. ; b. 1844; ed. at Radley Coll. and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; entered the loth Hussars 1863, became Lieut. 1867 ; appointed Instructor of Mus- ketry 1864, Adj. 1869, and Capt. 1873; exchanged into 2ist Hussars: m. 1869 Grace, da. of Major Cole-Hamilton. Crom Castle, Newtown Butler, Ireland. CRICHTON, Lady Madeline Olivia Susan. (See Hon. Charles F. CRICH- TON.) CRICHTON, Lady Margaret, da. of the 4th Earl of Radnor : m. 1873 Capt. David Maitland M Crichton, of the Grenadier Guards. CROFTON, Hon. Alfred Henry, 3rd son of the 2nd Baron Crofton ; b. 1837 ; entered the Grenadier Guards 1853, exchanged as Lieut, to the 7th Foot 1854 ; served in the Crimea, was wounded at the battle of the Alma, and retired 1855 ; was a Page of Honor to H.M. 1847-53. CROFTON, Hon. Charles St.George. h.p. to the 2nd Baron Crofton. CROFTON, Hon. Francis George, 4th son of the 2nd Baron Crofton ; b. 1838; became Lieut. R.N. 1859, and Commander 1873 ; has commanded H.M.S. "Trinculo," in the Mediter- ranean, and "Algeria," in China; was at the capture of Canton ; is a J. P. for Roscommon : m. 1864 Gertrude Caro- line (who d. 1869), da. of Col. E. S. Bayley, and widow of John Talbot, Esq., of Mount Talbot, Roscommon. CROKER, Lady Georgiana Ellen da. of the ist Earl of Rathdown (title extinct} : m. 1841 Capt. Edward Croker, of the i7th Lancers, who d. 1869. Ballinagarde, near Limerick. CROMPTON, Hon. Lucy Henrietta, da. of the ist Baron Romilly : m. 1870 H. Crompton, Esq., 2nd son of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Crompton. CROPPER, Hon. Margaret, da. of the ist Baron Denman : m. (i) 1841 Henry William Macaulay, Esq., brother of the late Baron Macaulay (he d. 1846) ; (2) 1848 Edward Crop- per, Esq. Swaylands, near Penshurst. CROSSE, Lady Mary, da. of the 4th Earl of Castle-Stuart ; m. 1860 Thomas Richard Crosse, Esq., of Shaw Hill, Chorley, Lancashire. Portledge, near Bideford. CUFFE, Hon. Hamilton John Agmondesham, h. a. to the 4th Earl of Desart. CUFFE, Hon. Lady Pauline, da. of the ist Baron Stuart-de-Decies : m. 1861 Sir C. F. Wheeler Denny Cuffe, 2nd Bart. Leyrath, Kilkenny. CUFFE, Hon. Otway Frederick Seymour, son of the 3rd. Earl of Desart ; b. 1853 ; is a Sub-Lieut. Rifle Brigade. St. James's Club. CUNVNGHAME, Hon. Lady Fran- ces Elizabeth, da. of the ist Viscount Hardinge : m. 1845 Major-Gen. Sir Arthur Augustus Thurlow Cunyng- hame, K.C.B. Mount Dillon, Dun- drum, Co. Dublin. CURRlEjLadyCharlotte Georgiana Mary, da. of the 4th Earl Cadogan : m. 1874 the Rev. Maynard Wode- house Currie, Rector of Barnham Broom., Vymondham, Norfolk. CURZON. Hon. Assheton George, son of the ist Earl Howe; b. 1850; appointed Sub-Lieut. H.M.S. " Racer" 1871, and Lieut. 1872. CURZON. Hon. Darea, heiress p. to the 1 5th Baron Zouche. CURZON, Hon. Ernest George, son of the ist Earl of Howe ; b. 1828 ; entered the Army 1844, became Lieut. 1848, Capt. 1852, Major 52nd Foot 1864, and Lieut. -Col. 1870 : m. 1856 Augusta, da. of Brigadier-Gen. Halifax.