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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 567 Buncombe : m. 1871 the Hon Ashley Carr Glyn, who d. 1875. 105, Onslow Square, S. W. GLYN, Hon. and Rev. Edward Garr Glyn, son of the ist Baron Wol- verton ; b. 1843 ; ed. at Harrow and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1867, M. A. 1870) ; was Curate of Doncaster 1868-71 ; appointed 1871 Private Sec- retary and Chap, to the Archbishop of York, and in 1873 Vicar of St - Mary's and Rector of St. Nicholas, Beverley, and in 1875 Vicar of Don- caster. Neiu University and York- shire Clubs. GLYN, Hon. Henry Carr, h.p. to the 2nd Baron Wolverton. GLYN, Hon. Pascoe Charles, son of the ist Baron Wolverton ; b. 1833 ; ed. at Harrow and at Univ. Coll., Oxford ; a partner in the banking- house of Glyn, Mills, Currie Co. : m. 1861 Caroline Henrietta, da. of the late Capt. W. Amherst Hale, Esq_ 31, Prince's Gardens, S. W. ; Ban stead Place, Epsom; Arthurs Club. GLYN, Hon. Sidney Carr, son of the ist Baron Wolverton ; b. 18 ; ed. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; entered the Rifle Brigade 1854, and became Capt. 1863. Army and Navy Club. GLYN, Hon. Mrs. St. Leger ; el. da. of the late James Wilmot Wil- liams, Esq., of Herringstone, Co. Dorset : m. 1855 Hon. St. Leger, Richard Glyn (who d. 1872), son of the ist Baron Wolverton. 18, Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, W. CODING, Lady Jane Emily, da. of the 7th Earl of Coventry : m. 1828 James Goding, Esq., who d. 1856. 13, Wilton Crescent, S. W. GODOLPHIN-OSBORNE. (See OS- BORNE.) GOFF, Lady Adelaide Henrietta Louisa Hortense, da. of the 2nd Earl of Ranfurly : m. 1850 Joseph Goff, jun., Esq. (who d. 1872), of Hale Park, Hampshire. GORDON, Lord Douglas William Cope, h.p. to the nth Marquess of Huntly. GORDON, Lord Esme Stuart, son of the loth Marquess of Huntly ; b. 1853 ; ed. at Eton, and at Brase- nose Coll., Oxford : m. 1874 Eliza- beth Ann Shippen, da. of William Brown, Esq., of Glastonbury. Whites Club. GORDON, Hon. Anne, da. of the nth Baron Blayney : m. 1818 the late Adm. Charles Gordon. GORDON, Lord Cecil James, son of the Qth Marquess of Huntly, K.T. ; b. 1806 : m. 1841 Emily, da. of Mau- rice Crosbie Moore, Esq., of Moores- fort, Tipperary. GORDON, Lady Christian Isabella, da. of the i2th Earl of Buchan : m. 1840 John Gordon, Esq. Aikenhead House, Glasgoru, N.B. GORDON, Lady Charlotte Sophia, da. of the Qth Marquess of Huntley ; b. 1796. Elmeley Lodge, Fox Lane, Upper Norwood, S.E. GORDON, Lady Francis, only da. of Sir William Kier Grant, K.C.B. : m. 1835 Lieut. -Col. Lord Francis Arthur Gordon (who d. 1862), son of the gth Marquess of Huntly. 5, Wilton Crescent, S. W. GORDON, Lady George, da. of Thomas Wright Vaughan, Esq. : fit. 1851 Rev. Lord George Gordon, (who d. 1862), son of the 9th Marquess of Huntly. 9, Ciirzon Street, May Fair. GORDON. Lady Grace Cicelie ; da. of the loth Marquess of Huntly ; b. 1854 ; was one of the Train-bearers to H.R. H. the Princess Louise, on her marriage with the Marquess of Lome, 1871. GORDON, Hon. Louisa, sister of the 8th Viscount Kenmure (title ex- tinct] : m. 1815 Charles Bellamy, Esq. (who is dead) ; resumed the surname of Gordon 1847. Kenmure Castle, New Gallo^uav, N.B. GORDON, Lady Mary Agnes Blanche, da. of the 3rd Earl of Ash- burnham : m. 1839 Sir Henry Percy Gordon, 2nd Bart. Northcourt, New- port, Isle of Wight; Knockespock, Aberdeen, N.B. GORDON, Hon. Sir Alexander HAMILTON-, K.C.B., M.P., h.p. to the 7th Earl of Aberdeen. GORDON, Hon. Sir Arthur HAMIL- TON-, K.C. M.G., son of the 4th Earl of