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59 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Kingscote, Esq., 4th son of the late Col. Kingscote, of Kingscote, Glou- cestershire. KINGSCOTE, Hon. Harriet Anne, da. of the ist Baron Bloomfield : m. 1833, as his 2nd wife, Thomas Henry Kingscote, Esq., of Kingscote, Glou- cestershire, Col. of the Royal North Gloucestershire Militia, who d. 1861. 16, Holland Park, W. KINNAIRD, Hon. Arthur Fitz- Gerald, M.P., h.p. to the Qth Baron Kinnaird. KIRWAN, Lady Victoria Mary Louisa, da. of the 2nd Marquess of Hastings (title extinct] ; is a co-heiress to the Barony of Grey de Ruthyn : m. 1859 John Forbes Stratford Kirwan, Esq., a J.P. for Cos. Galway and Longford, of which latter Co. he was High Sheriff 1860. KNIGHT, Hon. Eleanor, da. of the ist Baron de Blaquiere : m. 1822 Joseph Knight, Esq., who d. 1863. KNOX, Lady Jane, da. of the 2nd Earl of Rosse : m. 1835 Arthur Ed- ward Knox, Esq., formerly of the 2nd Life Guards, and el. son of the late John Knox, Esq. , of Castle Rea, Killala. Co. Mayo. Trotton House, near Petersfield. KNOX, Lady Louisa Georgiana, sister of the 3rd Earl of Portarlington : m. 1853 John Chichester Knox, Esq. KNOX, Lady Louisa Katherine, da. of the .2nd Marquess of Sligo : m. 1839 Charles Knox, Esq. Cranmore, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo. KNOX, Hon. Lucy, sister of the 2nd Baron Monteagle ; b. 1845 ; raised to the rank of a Baron's da. 1870 : m. 1866, Octavius Newry Knox, Esq., son of the Hon. John Henry Knox, and grandson of the ist Earl of Ranfurly. Foynes, Co. Limerick. KNOX, Lady Mabella Josephine, da. of the ist Earl of Kilmorey : m. 1822 the Hon. John Henry Knox, who d. 1872, son of the ist Earl of Ranfurly. KNOX, Hon. William Stuart, h.p. to the 5th Earl of Ranfurly. LAMBART, Lady Frances Caro- line Maria, da. of the 2nd Marquess of Conyngham, K. P. : m. 1847 Gustavus W. Lambart, Esq., State Steward of the Household to the Lord-Lieut. (Duke of Abercorn.K.G.) of Ireland. Beau Pare, Slane, Co. Meath; Kilbeggan, Westmeath. LAMBART, Hon. Oliver George, brother of the 8th Earl of Cavan ; was a Lieut, in the i2th Foot ; appointed Capt. Hants Militia 1858, and Major 1872 ; raised to the rank of an Earl's son 1838 : m. 1847 Elizabeth, da. of William Spear, Esq., of Monckton, Dorset. LAMBART, Lady Mary Hyacynthe. (See VON ESSEN, Baroness). LAMBTON, Lady Victoria Alexan- drina Elizabeth, da. of the 2nd Earl ofCawdor: m. 1866 Lieut. -Col. Fran- cis W. Lambton, Scots Fusilier Guards, 3rd son of William H. Lambton, Esq., brother to the late Lord Durham. Brownslade, Pembroke, S. Wales. LANE, Hon. Agnes, da. of the 2nd Baron Bagot: m. 1828 John Newton Lane, Esq., who d. 1869. King's Bromley Manor, Lichfield. LANE, Lady Harriet Frances, da. of the ist Earl of Zetland : m. 1825 Col. Henry Lane, vhod. 1870. Thorp A rch, Yorkshire. LANE, Hon. Juliana Sarah, da. of the 2nd Viscount Exmouth : m. 1836 T. V. Lane, Esq., late of Coffleet House, Devon. LANE-FOX. (See Fox.) LANGHAM, Hon. Anna Maria Frances, da. of the 3rd Baron Sandys : m. 1868 Herbert Hay Langham, Esq., h.p. to Sir James Hay Langham, nth Bart. Cottcsbrooke Park, North- ampton. LANGTON, Lady Anna Eliza Mary GORE-, h.p. to the Earldom of Temple. (See BUCKINGHAM, Duke of.) LANGWORTHY, Lady Alice Louisa, da. of the 2nd Earl of Limerick : m. ist, 1868, Capt. Percy Hugh Hewitt ; 2nd, 1874, Edward Martin Lang- worthy, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. LARKING, Lady Adela, da. of the 2nd Earl of Listowel : m. 1864 Cuth- bert Larking, Esq., of the i5th Hussars, el. son of John Wingfield