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612 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE da. of the 4th Baron Rivers : m. 1872 E. Oldfield, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. OLIPHANT, Hon. Charlotte, da. of the 8th Baron Elibank : m. 1849 William Henry Oliphant, Esq. O'NEILL, Hon. Edward, M.P., h.p. to the ist Baron O'Neill. O'NEILL, Hon. Robert Torrens, son of the ist Baron O' Neill ; b. 1845 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford (M. A. 1870); is a D.L. for Co. Londonderry, of which Co. he was High Sheriff 1871; and Capt. Royal Tyrone Militia. Derry?ioyd, Drapers- town, Co. Derry ; Junior, Carlton, Raleigh, and Ulster (Belfast] Clubs. O'NEILL, Lady Louisa Katherine Emma. (See Baron O'NEILL.) ONSLOW, Lady Mary Augusta, da. of the 3rd Earl of Onslow ; b. 1819. OPDEBECK, Lady Susan Harriet Catherine, da. of the loth Duke of Hamilton : m. (i) 1831 the Earl of Lincoln, afterwards the 5th Duke of Newcastle, K.G. (this marriage was dissolved 1850) ; (2) 1860 M. Opde- beck, of Brussels. ORDE, Lady Elizabeth Susan, da. of the 6th Duke of Beaufort, K.G. ; b. 1798 : m. (1)1822, as his 2nd wife, Lord Edward O'Bryen (who d. 1824) ; (2) 1829 Gen. James Orde, who d. 1850. Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. ORDE-POWLETT. (SeePowLEir.) OSBORNE, Hon. Georgiana Au- gusta Henrietta GODOLPHIN. (See Lord William GODOLPHIN-OSBORNE.) OSBORNE, Lord D'Arcy GODOL- PHIN-, son of the 8th Duke of Leeds ; b. 1834 ; entered the 87th Foot 1852, and retired as Major 1866. 10, Bury Street, St. James's. OSBORNE, Rev. Lord Francis George GODOLPHIN-, son of the 8th Duke of Leeds ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Mag- dalene Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1870): m. 1854 Katharine Mathilda, 5th da. of John S. Rich, Esq. ; was Rector of Great Elm, near Frome 1868-75. Pall Mall & Oxford 6 s Cambridge Clubs. OSBORNE, Rev. Lord Sydney GO- DOLPHIN-, son of the ist Baron Go- dolphin, and brother of the 8th Duke of Leeds ; b. 1808 ; raised to the rank of a Duke's son 1859 ; ed. at Rugby and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1830); was sometime Rector of Stoke Poges, Bucks; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Bucks : m. 1834 Emily, da. of the late Pascoe Grenfell, Esq. ; has been since 1841 Rector of Durweston, near Blandford. OSBORNE, Lord William GODOL- PHIN-, son of the ist Baron Godol- phin, and brother of the 8th Duke of ' Leeds ; b. 1804 ; raised to the rank of a Duke's son 1859 ; served in the i6th Lancers and loth Royal Hussars, and as A.D.C. and Mil. Sec. to the Gov.-Gen. of India 1836-41 ; was present at the siege and capture of Bhurtpoor in 1826, and in the expe- dition to China 1839-41 : m. (i) 1843 the Hon. Caroline Montagu (who d. 1867), da. of the 4th Baron Rokeby ; (2) 1870 the Hon. Georgiana Augusta Henrietta, da. of the ist Viscount Keith, and widow of the Hon. Au- gustus John Villiers, who d. 1867. Tulliallan Castle, Kincardine-on- Forth; 1 10, Piccadilly, S. W.; Whites Arlington, and Marlborough Club 1 ;. OSBORNE, Lord William GODOL- PHIN-, son of the 8th Duke of Leeds ; b. 1835 : m. 1859 Mary Ca- therine, only da. of John Headly, Esq., late of Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire. O'SHEE, Lady Gwendolina Isa- bella Anna Maria, da. of the ist Earl of Lichfield : m. 1865 Power O'Shee, Esq. Gardenmorris, Piltown, Waterford. OSWALD, Lady Maria, da. of the ist Marquess of Ailsa, K.T. : m. 1833 Richard Oswald, Esq., of Auchin- cruive, who d. 1834. OTWAY-CAVE. (See CAVE.) PACKE, Lady Alice, da. of the ist Earl of Kimberley : m. 1872 Hussey Packe.Esq., son of Lieut. -Col. Packe, late M.P. for South Lincolnshire. PAGET, Lord Alfred Henry, son of the ist Marquess of Anglesey, K.G. ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Westminster ; entered the Royal Horse Guards 1832, became Lieut. 1834, Capt. 1840, Major 1845, Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1865, and Maj.-Gen. 1872 ; was Chief Equerry and Clerk Marshal (with a fewmonths' interval) 1846-65, to which office he was re-appointed 1868 ; sat as M.P. for Lichfield 1837-65: m. 1847