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6a6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE ROUS, Hon. Henry John, son of the ist Earl of Stradbroke ; b. 1795 ; ed. at Westminster; entered the R.N. 1808 ; became Rear-Adm. 1856, Vice- I Adm. 1858, and Adm. 1865; in [ October, 1835, navigated in three weeks H.M.S. "Pique," without a rudder, keel, or forefoot, and while making two feet water per hour, from the Coast of Labrador to Spithead, the ship having previously been on a reef of rocks for ten hours ; was a Lord of the Admiralty 1846, A.D.C. to H.M., and M.P. for Westminster 1841-66: m. 1836 Sophia (who d. 1871), da. of James Ramsey Cuthbert, Esq. 13, Berkeley Square, W. ; Newmarket. ROUS, Hon. Mrs.William Rufus. Louisa, da. of James Hatch, Esq. , of Clayberry Hall, Essex: m. 1822, the Hon. William Rufus Rous, who d. 1875. Worstead Hall, near North Walsham. ROWLEY, Hon. Hercules Langford Boyle, son of the 2nd Baron Langford ; b. 1828 ; ed. at Eton and at Sand- hurst ; entered the 6th Foot 1845, and was Capt. 6th Dragoons 1853-4 ; is aD.L. and J.P. for Meath, and a J.P. for Dublin; is Lieut.-Col. Meath County Militia: m. 1857 Louisa Jane, el. da. of Archibald Campbell, Esq., of Blythswood, Renfrewshire. Marley Grange, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin ; Army and Navy Chib. ROWLEY, Hon. Hugh, son of the 2nd Baron Langford ; b. 1833 ; was for a short time in the i6th Light Dra- goons : m. 1852 Theresa Caroline, (who obtained a divorce 1859), da. of John Bishop, Esq., of Sunbury House, Middlesex. ROWLEY, Hon. Lady MariaLouisa, only da. of the 2nd Baron Hunting- field : m. 1830 Sir Charles Robert Rowley, 4th Bart. Tendring Hall, Suffolk. ROWLEY, Hon. Randolph Thomas, son of the 3rd Baron Langford : b. 1852 ; is an Officer in the R.N. ROWLEY, Hon. Richard Thomas, son of the ist Baron Langford ; b. 1812 ; was Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards ; is Col. ist Royal Flint Militia Rifles, and a D.L. and a J.P. for Flintshire; sat as M.P. for Harwich 1860-5: m. 1835 Charlotte, who d. 1871, da. of the late Lieut.-Col. Shipley, and niece of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 6th Bart. Bodrhyddan, near Rhyl ; Carlton Club. ROWLEY, Hon. William Chambre, h.p. to the 4th Baron Langford. ROYSE, Hon. Elizabeth Louisa Mary, da. of the 4th Viscount Monck: b. 1847; m. 1875 John Macdonnell Royse, Esq. RUSSELL, Lord Alexander George, son of the 6th Duke of Bedford, K. G. ; b. 1821 ; entered the Army 1839, be- came Lieut. 1842, Capt. 1846, Major 1853, Lieut.-Col. 1856, Col. 1861, and Maj.-Gen. i874;wenton half-pay 1871 ; appointed A.D.C. to the Gov.-Gen. ot Canada 1847 ; served in the KaffirWar of 1852-3 as Dep. Assist. -Quartermaster Gen. to the ist Div. ; was present at the battle of Berea, and has a medal ! served in the Crimea at the siege of Sebastopol ; has the Crimean medal and clasp, the Sardinian and Turkish medals, and the Order of the Medjidie : m. 1844 Anne Emily, da. of Sir Leonard Worsley Holmes, Bart. 19, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. ; Army and Navy Club. RUSSELL, Lord Arthur John Ed- ward, son of Lord George William Russell, G.C.B. ; b. 1825 ; was Pri- vate Sec. to Earl Russell 1849-54 ; has sat as M.P. for Tavistock (L.) since 1857 : m. 1865 Laura, da. of the Vicomte de Peyrormet ; raised to the rank of a Duke's son 1872. 10, South Audlcy Street, W. ; Brooks' s, Athenczum, and Travellers Clubs. RUSSELL, Lady Caroline Alicia Diana, da. of the ist Earl of Limerick ; b. 1803 : m. 1832 George Lake Russell, Esq., Judge of Bloomsbury County Court. 62, Lowndes Square, S. W. RUSSELL, Lady Charlotte Isabella, da. of the 6th Duke of Roxburghe, K.T. : m. 1862 George Russell, Esq. 26, Curzon Street, May Fair, W. RUSSELL, Lord Charles James Fox, son of the 6th Duke of Bedford, K.G. ; b. 1807; ed. at Westminster; was Serjeant-at-Arms to the House of Commons since 1848-75; became a Lieut.-Col. in the Army 1846, when