688 HER MAJESTY S MOST HONORABLE PRIVY COUNCIL. Headlam, Thos. Emerson, Q.C. Heathcote, Sir William, Bart. Henley, Joseph Warner, M.P. Herbert, Hon. Sir P. E., K.C.B., M.P. Hertford, Marquess of Hogg, Sir James Weir, Bart
- Horsman, Edward, M.P
Howard of Glossop, Baron Hubbarcl. John Gellibrand, M.P. .. Hugessen, Edward H.Knatchbull-,M.P. Hunt, George Ward, M.P Hutt, Sir William, K.C.B Hylton, Baron Ilchester, Earl of Inglis, .1 ohn . . James, Sir William Millbourne Jessell, Sir George Keating. Sir Henry Singer, LL D. .. tKeatinge, Richard, LL.D Kelly, Sir Fitzroy Kenmare, Earl of tKennedy, Thomas Francis tKeogh, William Kimberley, Earl of Kindersley, Sir Richard Torin Kinnaircl , Baron, K .T Knollys, Gen. Sir William Th., K.C.B. tLarcom, Maj.-Gen. Sir Thomas, Bt. tLaw, Hugh, M.H Lawrence, Baron, G.C.B. G C.S.I. ..
- Law?on, James Anthony, Q.C.
Layard, Austen Henry Lennox, Lord H. G. C Gordon-, M.P. Leopold, H.R.H. Prince
- Lisgar, Baron ..
Loftus, L. rcl G.C.B London, Lord Bishop of tLongfield, Mountifort Lome, Marquess of, K.T., M.P. Lowe, Robert, M.P Lugard, Sir Edward .. Lyons, Baron, G.C.B Lyttelton, Baron, K C.M.G Macleod, Sir J. M., K. C.S.I Mackenzie, Holt McNeill, Sir John, G C.B Malmesbury, Earl of, G.C.B. Manners, Lord John J. R., M.P. Marlborough, Duke of Martin, Sir Samuel Massey, William Nathaniel, M.P. .. tMeath, Lord Bishop ot MeUish, Sir George ^Michel, Gen. Sir John, G.C.B. tMonahan, James Henry
- Monck, Viscount, G.C.M.G.
Moncreiff, Baron . . .... Monscn, Karon Montagu, Lord Robert, M.P. -Morris, Michael Mowbray, John Robert, M.P. Murray, Hon. Sir Charles Augustus, K.C.B
- Napier and Ettrick, Baron, K.T. ..
- Napier, Sir Joseph, Bart
Noel, Hon. Gerard, M.P 1859 1870 1852 1867 18/4 1872 1855 1846 1874 1873 1868 1859 1859 1874 1856 1870 1873 1875 3855 1866 1857 1837 1855 18fi4 1866 1840 1872 1868 18/4 1859 1870 18rt8 1874 1874 1852 18*9 I860 18(17 1875 1855 1871 1865 18"9 1872 1832 1857 1852 1852 1866 1874 1865 1866 1870 1875 1848 I86y 1869 1855 1&67 1963 1858 18/5 1861 1868 18/4 Normanby, Marquess of .. .. 1851 Northbrook, Baron .. .. .. I86i) Northcote, Sir Stafford, M.P. C.B. .. 1866 Northumberland, Duke of .. .. 1859 O'Ferrall, Richard More .. .. 1847 tO'Hagan, Baron 186l tOrmsby, Henry 1875 O'Loghlen, Sir Colman Michael, M.P. 1868 Paget,Vice-Adm. Lord Clarence, C.B. 1866 tPalles, Christopher 1872 Parker, John .. 1853 Peacock, Sir Barnes .. .. .. )87 Peel, Sir Frederick, K.C.M.G. .. TBS; Peel, Lieut Gen. Jonathan .. .. 1858 Peel, Sir Laurence 185 Peel, Sir Robert, Bart. M.P. G.C.B. 186 1 Penzance, Baron .. .. ' .. 1864 Percy, Earl 1874 Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, Q.C 1867 Playfair, Dr. Lyon, M.P. .. . i73 Poltimore, Baron .. .. . 187'J tRichards, John 1836 Richmond, Duke of, K.G. .. . I85y Ripon, Marquess of .. .. .. 186:4 Russell, Earl, K.G. G. C.M.G. .. 1830 Russell. Lord Odo .. .. .. 1872 St. Alban's, Duke of .. .. 1869
- >t. German's, Earl of, G.C.B. . 1841
Salisbury, Marquess of, K.G. . 186t> tSandhurst, Baron .. .. . 1870 Sandon, Viscount, M.P. .. . 1874 Sandwich, Earl of .. .. . 1852 Selbome, Baron .. .. . 1872 Seymour, Sir George H., G.C.B. . 1855 Shrewsbury and Talbot, Earl of . 1875 tShaw, Sir Frederick, Bart 1835 Skelmersdale, Baron 1874 Smith, Sir Montague 1871 Somerset, Duke of, K.G 1851 Somerset, Lord Henry .. .. 1874
- Spencer, Earl, K.G 1859
Stansf eld, James. M.P 1869 Str afford. Earl of .. .. .. 1853 Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount, K.G. 1820 tStrathnairn, Baron, G.C.B. G.C.S.I. 1866 Stuart, . Mr John 1871 tSullivan, Edward 1868 Sydney, Earl, G.C.B 1853 Tankerville, Earl of .. .. .. 1366 Taylor, Lieut-Col. Thomas E., M.P. 1868 Temple, Hon. W. F. Cowper-, M.P. 1855 Thornton, Sir Edward, K.C.B. .. )8"1 Thynne, Lord Henrv Frederick .. 1875 tTighe, William Frederick Fownes- 1846 Villiers, Hon. Charles Pelham, M.P. 1853
- Wales, H.R.H. Prince of , K . . . . 1 863
Walpole Spencer, H., M.P. Q.C. .. 1852 t Warren, Robert Rii hard .. .. 1867 Well'ngton, Duke of, K.G 1853 tWhiteside, James 1858 Wilton, Earl of, G.C.H 1835 Winmarleigl), Baron 1867 Wolverton, Baron .. .. .. 18,~3 Wortley, Hon. J. A. Stuart-, Q.C. .. 1846 York, Lord Archbishop of .. .. 1863 Young, George 1872