the defence of the capital betrayed the decline of the monarchy. The Romans of a more prosperous age, who trusted to the arms of the legions the safety of the frontier camps,[1] were very far from entertaining a suspicion that it would ever become necessary to fortify the seat of empire against the inroads of the barbarians.[2]
Aurelian suppresses the two usurpersThe victory of Claudius over the Goths, and the success of Aurelian against the Alemanni, had already restored to the unurpers arms of Rome their ancient superiority over the barbarous nations of the North. To chastise domestic tyrants, and to reunite the dismembered parts of the empire, was a task reserved for the latter of those warlike emperors. Though he was acknowledged by the senate and people, the frontiers of Italy, Africa, Illyricum, and Thrace, confined the limits of his reign. Gaul, Spain, and Britain, Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor were still possessed by two rebels, who alone, out of so numerous a list, had hitherto escaped the dangers of their situation; and, to complete the ignominy of Rome, these rival thrones had been usurped by women.
Succession of usurpers in GaulA rapid succession of monarchs had arisen and fallen in the provinces of Gaul. The rigid virtues of Posthumus served only to hasten his destruction. After suppressing a competitor, who had assumed the purple at Mentz, he refused to gratify his troops with the plunder of the rebellious city; and, in the seventh year of his reign, became the victim of their disappointed avarice.[3] The death of Victorinus, his friend and associate, was occasioned by a less worthy cause. The shining accomplishments[4] of that prince were stained by a licentious passion, which he indulged in acts of violence, with too little regard to the laws of society, or even to those of love.[5] He was slain at Cologne, by a con-
- ↑ Tacit. Hist. iv. 23.
- ↑ For Aurelian's walls, see Vopiscus in Hist. August, p. 216, 222 [xxvi. 21; 39]. Zosimus, l. i. p. 43 [49]. Eutropius, ix. 15. Aurel. Victor in Aurelian., Victor Junior in Aureiian. , Euseb. Hieronym. et Idatius in Chronic.
- ↑ His competitor was Lollianus, or Ælianus, if indeed these names mean the same person. See Tillemont, torn. iii. p. 1177. [Lælianus. See Appendix 18.]
- ↑ The character of this prince by Julius Aterianus (ap. Hist. August, p. 187 [xxiv. 6]) is worth transcribing, as it seems fair and impartial. Victorino qui post Junium Posthumum Gallias [G. post J. P.] rexit neminem existimo [æstimo] præferendum: non in virtute Trajanum; non Antoninum in dementia; non in gravitate Nervam; non in gubernando ærario Vespasianum; non in censura totius vitæ ac severitate militari Pertinacem vel Severum. Sed omnia hæc libido, et cupiditas voluptatis mulierariæ [mul. vol.] sic perdidit, ut nemo audeat virtutes ejus in literas mittere quem constat omnium judicio meruisse puniri. [The right readings are inserted in brackets.]
- ↑ He ravished the wife of Attitianus, an actuary, or army agent. Hist. August, p. 186 [ib.]. Aurel. Victor in Aurelian.