Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 3 (1897).djvu/516

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494 APPENDIX in his A Marjyarok Eredete (1882), p. 415 sqq., has collected the Htm and Avar words and names that can be gleaned from literature, and attempted to interpret them by the help of Turkish. His list however is not complete. 7. THE SARMATIAN WAR OF A.D. 378— (P. 120, n. 112) A Sarmatian campaign of Theodosius in 378 a.d. after his recall from Spain si mentioned by Theodoret, v. 5 ; and Theodoret's statement, which has been questioned by some, is confirmed, as H. Richter has pointed out (das westromis- che Reich, p. 691), by Themistius and Pacatus. In his Panegyric of a.d. 379 Themistius refers to it thus (xiv. 182 C) : t'f tKtivuo li Ka iri tKoXow i-ni rnv fiao'iKeiau 'Puifxaloi, i^orov 'S.avpofj.dTai KvTTuivTaf Kai ri)v Trpb? T(3 norafitu yiji' a7Ta<rav eTTtSpojxoi'To? fj.6uoi afeo-reiAas k.t.K. Pacatus, c. 10 : vix tecta Hispana susceperas, iam Sarmatias tabernaculis tegcbaris ; vix emerita arma suspenderas, iam hosti armatus instabas ; vix Iberum tuum videras, iam Istro praetendebas. Cp. If and, p. 59, and Kaufmann, Philologus, 31, p. 472 sqq. 8. CHRONOLOGY OF THE PACIFICATION OF THE GOTHS, A.D. 379, 380— (P. 123 sqq.) The account given in our sources of the warff re in Thrace and Elyricum during the years 379-80 and the subjugation of the Goths is very confused, and Gibbon has made no attempt to distinguish the events of the two years. "With the help of laws in the Codex Theod. (of which the dates however cannot be implicitly trusted) Ifiaud has extracted with some pains the following chronologj- from Zosimus, Jordanes, and the ecclesiastical historians, with an occasional in- dication from Ambrose (Der Kaiser Theodosius, p. 65-86). 379, Spring : Theodosius with Gratian at Sirmium. „ before middle of June : Theodosius at Thessalonica (c. Th. x. 1, 12) ; Embassy of senate of Constantinople greets Theo- dosius there ; Themistius delivers his panegyric, written for the occasion, some weeks later (Or. 14). Having organized his armj' Theodosius divides his forces. One part he leads northward to act against the Goths in Dacia and Moesia ; the other under Modares is to operate in Thrace. „ 6 July : Theodosius at Scupi (c. Th. vi. 30, 2). ,, Modares gains a great 'ictory in Thrace. „ Aug. : Theodosius at Vicus Augusti (on the Danube?), c. Th. xii. i3, 4. ,, Roman victories during autumn (see chronicles of Idatius and Prosper ; Aur. Victor, 48 ; Socrates, 5, 6 ; Sozomen, vii. 4) ; ,, foedus made with the Goths, who give liostages (Sozomen, vii. 4) ; ,, Nov. 17 : proclamation of Roman victories over Goths, Alans and Huns (Idatius Fasti, ad ann.). 380, January : Theodosius again in Thessalonica (c. Th. ix. 27, 1). ,, February : illness of Theodosius (Feb. 27, his intolerant edict, C. Th. xvi, 1, 2) ; his illness lasts during the summer. ,, Goths begin new hostilities ; two movements distinguished : (1) "West Gothic under Fritigern against E|)irus, Thessaly, Achaia ; (2) East Gothic under Alatheus and Safrax against Pannonia and Upper Jloesia. ,, Difficulties of Theodosius in coping with the Goths. Gratian sends troops to his aid, under Bauto and Arbogastes. Cp. Zosimus, iv. 33. ,, Second half of year : Fritigern disappears ; Athanaric crosses the Danube into Roman territory ; Gratian himself acts against the Goths in Pannonia (Zos., ib. ; Jordanes, 27). ,, 17 August : Theodosius at Hadrianople ; 8 September, at Sirmium. ,, 14 or 24 November : Theodosius enter s Constantinople in triumph (cp. above p. 146. n, 37).