Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 4 (1897).djvu/12

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CONTENTS 475 The Patrician Orestes ... ... ... ... ... .. 47 476 His son Augustulus, the last Emperor of the West ... 48 476-490. Odoacer, King of Italy ... 49 47601479. Extinction of the Western Empire 50 Augustulus is banished to the Lucullan villa 51 Decay of the Roman spirit ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 476-490. Character and Reign of Odoacer 54 Miserable state of Italy 55 CHAPTER XXXVII Origin, Progress, and Effects of the monastic Life — Conversion of the Bar- barians to Christianity and Arianism — Prosecution of the Vandals in Africa — Extinction of Arianism among the Barbarians I. Institution of the Monastic Life .. ... ... ... 57 Origin of the Monks 57 305 Antony, and the Monks of Egypt 59 341 Propagation of the monastic Life at Rome ... ... ... 60 328 Hilarion in Palestine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 61 360 Basil in Pontus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 61 370 Martin in Gaul ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 61 Causes of the rapid Progress of the monastic Life 62 Obedience of the Monks 64 Their Dress and Habitations 66 Their Diet 67 Their manual Labour ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 Their Riches 69 Their Solitude 70 Their Devotion and Visions... ... ... ... ... ... 71 The Coenobites and Anachorets ... ... ... ... ... 72 395-451. Simeon Stylites 73 Miracles and Worship of the Monks ... ... ... ... 74 Superstition of the Age ... ... ... ... ... ... 75 II. Conversion of the Barbari.ans ... ... ... ... 75 360, «&c. Ulphilas, Apostle of the Goths 76 400, &c. The Goths, Vandals, Burgundians, &c., embrace Christi- anity 77 Motives of their Faith ... ... ... ... ... ... 78 Effects of their Conversion ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 They are involved in the Arian Heresy 80 General Toleration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... »i Arian Persecution of the Vandals »i 429-477. Genseric ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 81 477 Hunneric ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 484 Gundamund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 496 Thorismund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 523 Hilderic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 03 530 Gelimer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 84 A general view of the Persecution in Africa ... ... ... S4 Catholic Frauds 88 Miracles 90