Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 4 (1897).djvu/19

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CONTENTS xiii A.D. PAGE The Legislative Power ... ... ... ... ... ... 451 Their Rescripts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 452 Forms of the Roman Law 453 Succession of the Civil Lawyers ... ... ... ... ... 454 303-648. The first Period 455 648-988. Second Period ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 456 988-1230. Third Period 456 Their Philosophy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 457 Authority ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 458 Sects 459 527 Reformation of the Roman Law by Justinian ... ... ... 461 527-546. Tribonian 462 528-529. The Code of Justinian ... ... ... ... ... ... 463 530-533. The Pandects or Digest ... ... ... ... ... 464 Praise and Censure of the Code and Pandects 465 Loss of the ancient Jurisprudence ... ... ... ... ... 466 Legal Inconstancy of Justinian ... ... ... ... ... 468 534 Second Edition of the Code ... ... ... ... ... 469 534-565. The Novels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 469 533 The Institutes 470 I. Of Persons. Freemen and Slaves ... ... ... ... 470 Fathers and Children ... ... ... ... ... ... 472 Limitations of the paternal Authority 474 Husbands and Wives ... ... ... ... ... ... 476 The religious Rites of Marriage ... ... ... ... ... 476 Freedom of the matrimonial Contract 477 Liberty and Abuse of Divorce ... ... ... ... ... 478 Limitations of the Liberty of Divorce ... ... ... ... 480 Incest, Concubines, and Bastards ... ... ... ... ... 482 Guardians and Wards ... ... ... ... ... ... 483 II. Of Things. Right of Property 484 Of Inheritance and Succession ... ... ... ... ... 487 Civil Degrees of Kindred 488 Introduction and Liberty of Testaments 489 Legacies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 490 Codicils and Trusts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 490 III. Of Actions 491 Promises 493 Benefits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 494 Interest of Money 495 Injuries 496 IV. Of Crimes and Punishments 497 Severity of the Twelve Tables ... ... ... ... ... 497 Abolition or Oblivion of Penal Laws ... ... ... ... 500 Revival of capital punishments ... ... ... ... ... 502 Measure of Guilt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 503 Unnatural Vice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 504 Rigour of the Christian Emperors ... ... ... ... ... 505 Judgments of the People ... ... ... ... ... ... 506 Select Judges ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 507 Assessors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 508 Voluntary Exile and Death 508 Abuses of Civil Jurisprudence 509