Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 4 (1897).djvu/580

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8 Messrs. Methuen's Announcements passages for unseen translation. by e. c. Marchant, M.A., Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; and A. M. Cook, M.A., late Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford: Assistant Masters at St. Paul's School. Crown %vo. y. 6d. This book contains Two Hundred Latin and Two Hundred Greek Passages, and has been very carefully compiled to meet the wants of V. and VI. Form Boys at Public Schools. It is also well adapted for the use of Honour men at the Universities. EXERCISES ON LATIN ACCIDENCE. By S. E. Win- bolt, Assistant Master at Christ's Hospital. Crown ?,vo. is. 6d, An elementary book adapted for Lower Forms to accompany the shorter Latin primer. NOTES ON GREEK AND LATIN SYNTAX. By G. BucKLA.ND Green, M.A., Assistant Master at the Edinburgh Academy, late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxon. Cr. %vo. 25. 6d. Notes and explanations on the chief difficulties of Greek and Latin Syntx, with numerous passages for e.xercise. A DIGEST OF DEDUCTIVE LOGIC. By Johnson Barker, B.A. Crozvn 8vo. 2s. 6d. A short introduction to logic for students preparing for e.aminations. TEST CARDS IN EUCLID AND ALGEBRA. By D. S. Calderwood, Headmaster of the Normal School, Edinburgh. In a Packet of 40, with Answers, is. A set of cards for advanced pupils in elementary schools. HOW TO MAKE A DRESS. By J. A. E. Wood. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. is. 6ci. A te.vt-book for students preparing for the City and Guilds e.'camination, based on the sj-llabus. The diagrams are numerous. Fiction LOCHINVAR. By S. R. Crockett, Author of 'The Raiders,' etc. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 6s. A romance of love and war, the plot of which is laid p.ytly in Holland and partly in Scotland. The hero, a young cavalier, after serving with the regiment of the Prince of Orange, takes service under Dundee and fights at Killiecrankie. THE MUTABLE MANY. By Robert Barr, Author of ' In the Midst of Alarms,' ' A Woman Intervenes,' etc. CrozvuSvo. 6s. THE LADY'S WALK. By Mrs. Oliphant. Croian 8vo. 6s. A new book by this lamented author, somewhat in the style of her ' Beleag^red City.'