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24 Messrs. Metiiuen's List W. Yorke Faussett. THE DE CATECHIZANDIS RUDIBUS OF ST. AUGUSTINE. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, etc., by W. Yorke Faussett, M.A., late Scholar of Balliol Coll. Crown Zvo. 35. (3d. An edition of a Treatise on the Essentials of Christian Doctrine, and the best methods of impressing them on candidates for baptism. ' Abljf and judiciously edited on the same principle as the ordinary Greek and Latin texts,' — Glas«;o'w Herald. 2Det30tional Boofe^. With Full-page Illustratiofis. Fcap. %vo. Buckram. y. 6d. Padded moroccj, 5^. THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. By Thomas a Kempis, With an Introduction by Dean Farrar. Illustrated by C. M. Gere, and printed in black and red. Second Edition. 'Amongst all the innumerable English editions of the "Imitation," there can have been few which were prettier than this one, printed in strong and handsome type, with all the glory of red initials.' — Glasgoau Herald. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. By John Keble. With an Intro- duction and Notes by W. LOCK, D.D., Warden of Keble College, Ireland, Professor at Oxford. Illustrated by R. Anning Bell. ' The present edition is annotated with all the care and insight to be expected_ from Mr. Lock. The progress and circumstances of its composition are detailed in the Introduction. There is an interesting Appendix on the Mss. of tlie "Christian Year," and another giving the order in which the poems were written. A "Short Analysis of the Thought" is prefixed to each, and any difficulty in the text is ex- plained in a note.' — Guardian. ' The most acceptable edition of this ever-popular work.' — Globe. Leaders of Religion Edited by H. C. BEECHING, M.A, With Portraits, crown ?,vo. A series of short biographies of the most prominent leaders t Z' of religious life and thought of all ages and countries. O / {T^ The following are ready — kJi CARDINAL NEWMAN. By R. H. Hutton. JOHN WESLEY. By J. H. Overton, M.A. BISHOP WILBERFORCE. By G. W. Daniel, M.A. CARDINAL MANNING. By A. W. Hutton, M.A. CHARLES SIMEON. By H. C. G. Moule, M.A. JOHN KEBLE. By Walter Lock, D.D. THOMAS CHALMERS. By Mrs. Oliphant. LANCELOT ANDREWES. By R. L. Ottley, M.A. AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY. By E. L. Cutts, D.D. WILLIAM LAUD. By W. H. Hutton, B.D.