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Messrs. Methuen's List 37 PROBLEMS OF POVERTY : An Inquiry into the Industrial Conditions of the Poor. By J. A. Hobson, M.A. Thi7-d Edition. THE COMMERCE OF NATIONS. By C. F. Bastaple, M.A., Professor of Economics at Trinity College, Dublin. THE ALIEN INVASION. By W. H. Wilkins, B.A., Secretary to the Society for Preventing the Immigration of Destitute Aliens. THE RURAL EXODUS. By P. Anderson Graham. LAND NATIONALIZATION. By HAROLD Cox, B.A. A SHORTER WORKING DAY. By H. de B. Gibbins, D.Litt., M.A., and R. A. Hadfield, of the Hecla Works, Sheffield. BACK TO THE LAND : An Inquiry into the Cure for Rural Depopulation. By H. E. MooRE. TRU.STS, POOLS AND CORNERS: As affecting Commerce and Industry. By J. Stephen Jeans, M.R.I., F.S.S. THE FACTORY SYSTEM. By R. CooKE Taylor. THE STATE AND ITS CHILDREN. By Gertrude Tuckwell. WOMEN'S WORK. By Lady Dilke, Miss Bulley, and Miss Whitley. MUNICIPALITIES AT WORK. The Municipal Pohcy of Six Great Towns, and its Influence on their Social Welfare. By Frederick Dolman. SOCIALISM AND MODERN THOUGHT. By M. Kaufmann. THE HOUSING OF THE WORKING CLASSES. By R. F. Bowmaker. IMODERN CIVILIZATION IN SOME OF ITS ECONOMIC ASPECTS. By W, Cunningham, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. THE PROBLEM OF THE UNEMPLOYED. By J. A, HOBSON, B.A., Author of ' The Problems of Poverty.' LIFE IN WEST LONDON. By Arthur Siierwell, M.A. Second Edition. Classical Translations EditedbyH. F. FOX, M.A,, Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford. Messrs. Methuen are issuing a New Series of Translations from the Greek and Latin Classics. They have enlisted the services of some of the best Oxford and Cambridge Scholars, and it is their intention that the Series shall be distinguished by literary excellence as well as by scholarly accuracy. .i^PSCIIVLUS— Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides. Translated by Lewis Campbell, LL.D., late Professor of Greek at St. Andrews, 5^. CICERO— De Oratore I. Translated by E. N. P. MooR, M.A. 35. 6d. CICERO — Select Orations (Pro Milonc, Pro Murena, Philippic 11., In Catilinam). Translated by II. E. D. Blakiston, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Oxford. 5^.