single institution of this country across the West. They are not just coming for your children, they are coming for everyone. They cannot breed. They have castrated themselves, chemically, psychologically and spiritually. We wish for the survival and preservation of our people. We are not here to have a conversation with these people. We are not here to make a compromise with these communists. We are not here to be nice and friendly. We are revolutionaries and we are here to destroy the sick and rotted society that has left us all out to dry.
115 Mr Sewell then engaged in a "call and response" with the Nazis behind him, who chanted while repeatedly performing the Nazi salute.
116 During Mr Sewell's speech (from approximately 12.36pm to approximately 12.38pm), Ms Keen could be heard speaking concurrently about the second intrusion at the LWS rally.
117 At approximately 12.48pm, the Nazis dismounted the steps of Parliament House and began to walk towards the north end of Spring Street. A police officer stopped them and led them to cross Spring Street towards the footpath near Bourke Street (Fernando HD footage at 1.06.43).
118 Two more police officers approached the Nazis, who then began to perform the Nazi salute pointed in a northerly direction, where the Socialist Alternative protesters were still gathered (Fernando HD footage at 1.06.54).
119 The Nazis, as they turned to walk south on Spring Street, continued to perform the Nazi salute towards the protesters that had gathered on and around Bourke Street (Keen footage at 1.07.11).
120 Just after 1pm, the Socialist Alternative protesters emerged behind the Bourke Street protesters, further west on Bourke Street. They were seen to approach the Bourke Street protesters and ultimately join them in standing on Bourke Street opposite Parliament House.
121 At around this time, police on horseback, who were previously on the far north police line, began to reinforce a line of police along Bourke Street (Fernando HD footage at 1.20.48).
122 At approximately 1.16pm (Keen footage at 1.10.01), Mrs Deeming commenced her speech which concluded at approximately 1.18pm (Keen footage at 1.12.06).
123 Mrs Deeming read a message from a Muslim friend of hers as follows:
Alright. My name's Moira Deeming I'm a newly elected MP in the Victorian Parliament. People told me that I only got elected because nobody knew what I thought, but I've doing this for fifteen years with my friends in the Greens party and the Labor party and every party conceivable. Today, I'm actually going to read a message from a Muslim friend of mine who was too afraid to be here because of behaviour like that. She has said that she came to Australia because she knew that in Australia human rights were advocated for strongly and she would have protection in Australia. She thought that Australia was a paradise, especially for herself as a woman. And she