MD Look, you've just described it as a disaster, right, I honestly did not view those women as part of that, rightly or wrongly, and I accept that, I'm not arguing that. I don't want to spend 100 years arguing that. But honestly what views do you think that I have legitimately that are so terrible? Like do you actually think that, that I am some kind of a secret Nazi? Is that actually what you think about me?
JP No, no, it's not the Nazi -
MD But it's my views that keep getting condemned, my unspecific, unspecific views-
JP No, no, so sorry, sorry, Moira. I do have to stop you there, I apologise. I do have to stop you. David [Southwick] was saying precisely the opposite. David was not condemning you for your views. In fact, he was doing the opposite, and respecting the fact that whatever views you have are yours.
180 Discussion then turned to the champagne video:
DS [Mr Southwick] – They also – they all say on the couch, Moira. They're also on the couch, [Ms Jones] was saying about – she's using these inverted commas 'so called Nazis', and then this whole conspiracy theory that they were, they were part of the trans group that were dressed up. I mean, that's, that's way out kind of stuff.
MD And I said –
DS And you were on the couch when that happened?
MD I calmed that down, I said no I think all the police were, you know, most of them were really good, I think they made a mistake in letting, you know I don't know why they let them through the middle.
181 Mr Pesutto then turned to what he called "a threshold question":
JP Okay, so Moria [sic] I think there's a threshold question about whether you feel you can be part of the team, and whether we're convinced you can be part of the team. I have no doubt you feel so strongly about these issues that you would want to continue to do what you've been doing. And that's my concern. I'm very concerned that I think the damage that has already been sustained publicly for us is not the end of the matter, it's the start of the matter. And I'm very concerned about where Andrews is going to take it this week. They have been itching for something to clobber me with and this is it, it's coming. And I know you're annoyed sitting here, I can feel it. But I can tell you how much I was looking forward to meeting with the leadership – hang on let me finish. How much I was waiting and looking forward to planning what we've got planned this week on Redlich. We got some big stuff planned, but I have to tell you, I'm looking at it now and thinking, "can we even make that happen now?" Government's now got the wind in it sails. You see Andrews came out strong today on that tweet, right, which was signalling what's to come. They're out, they're off the ropes again. We've got them on the ropes. They're off the ropes again. And so that protest yesterday, whatever you might say about it, has given them the out. And we might, if we're lucky, be able to eke out a strategy for this week, but it's not going to be what we had planned. It's really bad. And again, putting aside whatever issues we all might have on things, Nazism is like the most toxic acid that can run through any political party and it's running through us, whether we like it or not, people think we turn the other cheek to Nazis. That's what they think, Moira. It's bad. So, I think the threshold –
MD – And it needs to be fixed.
JP Well the question is I suppose –