to be happy with what you've landed on because if you – I can tell you now, if you agree to something that deep down you're not really happy with, genuinely you're not happy with, and feels like it in any way hampers your ability to argue the cases you want to argue then you're not going to be happy and it will manifest itself somewhere, somehow, it just does.
MD I agree.
JP So you have got to be ultimately happy.
MD I agree. But obviously I'm not interested in promoting Nazism, it's not a problem, you've told me I don't have to give up my – you know my arguments about the laws about balancing sex-based rights …
JP … if you are going to be bringing down Katherine Deves, then whatever we are talking about, I'll be honest with you, whatever we are talking about, we could find Daniel Andrews robbing a 7-Eleven, but if you bring Katherine Deves down, everyone is going to go "don't care about that, Katherine Deves is in town," … And this is why I say to you, I genuinely say, it's a really tough call for you, because I think the best thing you can do for yourself, if you don't mind me saying, is honestly arriving at a decision to say what do I really passionately want to do. Because if you want to keep doing that, I think that first option of going your own way would be the best. But I don't- the reason I say that is I don't want you to be under any misapprehension about what's required in the statement and not just the statement but what follows it … It means disowning those people, I will not, I will not be associated by one or two times removed with Angie Jones. I will not … but if you are prepared to do that, that's how I think it can work, but it's a big ask, and if you want to be able to keep doing those things, that's why I think, you know, just, you know, have a sense of what it really does require, because it's big, it's doable, but it requires a big change. I don't know if you need any time to think we're going to, we're talking about a lot of issues, unless there is anything else you wanted to contribute, Moira, but I'd like some time to think and maybe just confer if that's all right. I mean, I genuinely want to explore the options, Moira.
182 Dr Bach then intervened, expressing the view that he did not see a way forward, and describing Mrs Deeming's people and her "mob" as having "a long history of sympathizing with neo-Nazis and white supremacists", as follows:
It's been good to listen, it's been good to hear your views, Moira. Even in that, in coming back, in seeking, pointedly, I think, from you, so to seek to lessen some of the shocking things that these – your friends – have said, demonstrates to me that – I don't think there is a way forward. So, for me, the issue is your friends, the people you worked with, the people you showed through Parliament, very openly and publicly, have a long history of sympathizing with neo-Nazis and white supremacists. And you said a little while back, John, you know, you wanted to explore and see if there is a way forward. I – this – I don't think there is. These are your people, and I don't mind saying also, I don't think a reasonable person would believe you, that you had no idea that these are the long standing, stated views of your people. I don't believe you. And it's absolutely clear to me, from what you've said, that you don't get the seriousness of that, at all. Your mob have stated white supremacist views and still we're arguing about exactly what they might have mean – … when they call trans people paedophiles, which, of course in and of itself, is quite disgusting and disgraceful, so, for mine, I don't see a way forward.