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The Table.

counsel, to get out of Prage speedily, &c.

A Record of a hot conflict between Doctor Dee, and Ed. Kelley, about some Magical papers: in which conflict Doctor Dee thought himself in danger of his life, and was faine to cry out for help.

¶ CXXIII p. 391. An Apparition fitted for the occasion. The fault of Ed. Kelley's refraciorinesse, laid upon the malice and envy of the Devil, and and some places of Esdras, applied to that purpose, Ed. Kelley rebuked; but comforted and confirmed with a promise of no evil spirit to be suffered to trouble him henceforth: and many good exhortations: with a Parable also to that purpose.Some questions proposed by Doctor Dee, who is referred to the Book of Enoch

¶ CXXIV p. 395. Doctor Dee, &c. sharply reproved for not fulfilling the command of a speedy departure, with more expedition. He acknowledgeth (convicted by some plausible considerations,) his fault, and prayeth fervently.

¶ CXXV p. 396. The Stone shut up for twenty dayes. Their journey (from Prage, to Cracovia:) and in the way, strange whirlewinds. Some strife about their house. Al. Lasky, by whom Doctor Dee is brought to the King: (fustinem, for sisterem, to be corrected, &c.) delivers his Commission, &c. He receives the Communion: so doth Ed. Kelley.

¶ CXXVI p. 398. The Kings presence required by spirits, at these Apparitions.

¶ CXXVII ibid. Superstitious prayers (by appointment of spirits) to the Angels, Governours of Kingdoms and Nations. Stephen (King of Poland) greatly in favour (with God) and to be the Minister of great things.

Doctor Dee doth apprehend, (which Kelley doth often professe to have found in himself) that the spirits knew his thoughts.

¶ Ed. Kelley, very unquiet, and blasphemous: Yet confirmed again, by some Apparitions; to Doctor Dee's great comfort, who still (very devoutly and innocently, had not he brought this grievous delusion upon himself, by tempting God so grievously:) doth submit unto, and comfort himself in God.

¶ CXXVIII p. 400. Apparitions in the presence of Al. Lasky. Promises to Doctor Dee, and to King Stephen. Al. Lasky upon conditions to be received into favour again.Doctor Dee receives the Communion again.

¶ CXXIX p. 401. Apparitions at the Court of the King of Poland, in the presence of Al. Lasky, (one of the Princes Palatine of the Country) who is offered by the spirits, sudden destruction of the King, (if he desire it,) or to see him struck with Leprosie; or otherwise corrected, if so rather. Al. Lasky his pious and religious answer, and choice: for which he is commended. The Spirits will not endure, though requested, to deal with the King, in the Hungarian Tongue. They promise to speak to him in Latine. A good blessing, and formall absolution, pronounced by evill spirits.

¶ CXXX p. 402. ¶ Doctor Dee, &c. brought to Stephen, (King of Poland,) who upon some conditions, is willing to be present: yet makes an objection out of Scripture, as not fully satisfied that these apparitions, &c. were from God. To which Doctor Dee makes an accurat anwwer: (by which it doth appear, that either he had studied the case very well, or was helped as other reall Enthusiasts, by his spirits:) but very full of faults in the Copy, and so printed. More here, I think, then in all the Latine of the Book besides. We take notice of it in the Errata.

Before the Action, a fervent Prayer of Doctor Dee's, of his calling, revelations, Al. Laskie, King Stephen, &c.

In the Action, or Apparition, King Stephen, sharply reproved for his sins. But upon condition of repentance, and submission to God (in this way) the Kings of the earth (intoxticati calice Merecricis: a phrase often used in this Book: that is drunk with the cup of the Whore,) are to do homage unto him; and he, (right Anabaptisme,) to work strange execution, &c. Very lofty language, here used: Fige pedem in Aquil. &c.

¶ XXXI p. 406. Sad complaint, (as from God) of incredulity: The Incarnation of Christ, and thereby priviledge of Christians above the Israelits. Tears. Doctor Dee, sent with an errand to King Stephen: and a direct promise, and profer of the Philosophers Stone.

Doctor Dee delivers his errand in Latin: (but here our records, I know not by what chance, are very defective. King Stephen, it seems did not prove so credulous, as was expected.)

¶ CXXXII p. 408 The spirits are angry, and command all to be shut up, for a season, till further order. (the account of some moneths is wanting.)

¶ CXXXIII p. 409. The power of God. The Jewes, and Jerusalem to be restored. And now, one Francis Puccius (a Florentine, a zealous and learned Papist,) being entertained, and admitted to these secrets: with great hopes of some good to be done by this fellowship: Rome also being designed henceforth for the Scene: (see p. 417.) the fpirits apply themselves, and fit their speech to this end and occasion. The interpretation of Scriptures The Fathers. The Church. Luther and Calvin, condemned. The Pope of Rome, cannot be (say the spirits) the Antichrist: and think they prove it. Exhortations to return to the Church: and a form of Prayer, or Thanksgiving, to that purpose. In the conclusion, the spirits apply themselves to Puccius, personally: He is to rebuke the present Pope, (here called, a wicked Monster,) against whom, if he will not be perswaded, terrible judgements are denounced.

The same Action (because the spirits here rather chose to speak English, than Latine: where-of