Page:DenisGale annotated notebook complete2.pdf/14

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Letter from Dr. ^M. Jean xxM.xx Gale.

1210 Ogden St.,

Denver, Colo.

Judge Junius Henderson.

Dear Sir:

......The few times I had the pleasure of accompanying my father on any of his trips I was especially struck with his untiring patience in searching out the habits and nesting places of his feathered friends. In some way they seemed to recognize that he was their friend, going over the same locality year after year as he did. Many of the trees were provided with an aperture which was covered at times, but which he could uncover and observe the birds or eggs as the case might be without in the least disturbing them. His success in the finding of Clarke's crows' nests was obtained only by weeks and even months of careful obser-vation of the knowing birds before the nest was even con-structed. Notwithstanding the large numbers of eggs taken and prepared by him, not one was taken ruthlessly or where the nest could not be refilled the same season. It was a labor of love from his first youthful efforts until the more enduring ones/ in Colorado were finished. It seemed eminently fitting that as he was quietly laid to rest the air should be filled with low, soft twitterings of a host of feathered harbingers of spring--his friends until the last.

Yours Sincerely,

M. Jean Gale.