Page:Dennet - The Plymouth Brethren.djvu/3

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The following Lecture was delivered as one of an ordinary winter course to the Lecturer’s own people. Yielding to urgent representations he now consents to its publication. He does so the more readily, as there is no single publication (as far as he is aware) that aspires, however humbly, to cover the whole ground of Plymouth Brethrenism.

Dr. Carson and many others have done good service in exposing and refuting the heresies and procedures of the system. But the author is not acquainted with any tractate, like the present, which a minister, for instance, could place in the hands of any of his people who might have been disturbed by the insidious assaults of the Plymouth Propaganda―as dealing with the whole question. He is therefore, not without some hopes of its usefulness. Many deficiencies