Page:Department of Public Utilities v. Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co.pdf/3

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states of Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. The respondent owns and operates three pipe lines and leases and operates another, all of which are laid across the line between the states of Arkansas and Louisiana. These lines are identified as lines A, C, H and K. Line C was not used for transporting gas into Arkansas at the time of the hearing and had not been for some time prior thereto; tberefore, no further reference will be made to Line C.

"Line A crosses the Arkansas–Louisiana line some eight or ten miles east of a point where the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas join. This line extends in a northeasterly direction from the state line crossing, to the southwestern corporate limits of the city of Little Rock. Line H is not owned, but is leased and operated, by the respondent and crosses the line between the states of Arkansas and Louisiana some fifteen or twenty miles east of Junction City, Arkansas, and extends in a northwesterly direction to what is designated as Crusader Station No. 1 in Union county, Arkansas. Line K crosses the line between the states of Arkansas and Louisiana a few miles east of where said state line is crossed by Line H and extends in a northwesterly direction to the Barton Compressor Station located a short distance north of the city of El Dorado, and continuing thence in a northwesterly direction to the city of Camden; Arkansas. By means of Line E, extending from the Trees Compressor Station located on Line A near Emmett, Arkansas, in a southeasterly direction to Barton compressor Station, and by means of Line E-1 (in reality an extension of Line E), Lines A, H, and K are interconnected.

"Lines A, E, H, and K constitute the principal or primary transportation system of respondent in South Arkansas. Laterals or spurs have been built from these lines for the purpose of serving industries and city distribution plants along and, in some instances, far removed from the location of said transmission lines. All gas transported into Arkansas by respondent moves through one or more of said lines, or laterals, or spurs