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Page:Descent of Man 1875.djvu/662

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  • Goodsir, Prof., on the affinity of the lancelet to the ascidians, 159.
  • Goosander, young of, 467.
  • Goose, Antarctic, colours of the, 492.
  • ——, Canada, pairing with a Bernicle gander, 414.
  • ——, Chinese, knob on the beak of the, 426.
  • ——, Egyptian, 364.
  • ——, Sebastopol, plumage of, 385.
  • ——, Snow-, whiteness of the, 492.
  • ——, Spur-winged, 364.
  • Gorilla, 561; semi-erect attitude of the, 52; mastoid processes of the, 53; direction of the hair on the arms of the, 151; manner of sitting, 151; supposed to be a kind of mandrill, 177; polygamy of the 217, 590, 591; voice of the, 527; cranium of, 558; fighting of male, 562.
  • Gosse, P. H., on the pugnacity of the male Humming-bird, 360.
  • ——, M., on the inheritance of artificial modifications of the skull, 603.
  • Gould, B. A., on variation in the length of the legs in man, 26; measurements of American soldiers, 30, 32; on the proportions of the body and capacity of the lungs in different races of men, 167; on the the inferior vitality of mulattoes, 171.
  • ——, J., on migration of swifts, 108; on the arrival of male snipes before the females, 212; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in birds, 247; on Neomorpha Grypus, 359; on the species of Eustephanus, 359; on the Australian musk-duck, 359; on the relative size of the sexes in Briziura lobata and Cincloramphus cruralis, 362; on Lobivanellus lobatus, 366; on the habits of Menura Alberti, 371; on the rarity of song in brilliant birds, 371; on Selasphorus platycercus, 378; on the Bower-birds, 381, 406; on the ornamental plumage of the Humming-birds, 387; on the moulting of the ptarmigan, 392; on the display of plumage by the male Humming-birds, 394; on the shyness of adorned male birds, 403; on the decoration of the bowers of Bower-birds, 413; on the decoration of their nests by Humming-birds, 413; on variation in the genus Cynanthus, 423; on the colour of the thighs in a male parakeet, 424; on Urosticte Benjamini, 442, 443; on the nidification of the Orioles, 454; on obscurely-coloured birds building concealed nests, 454; on trogons and kingfishers, 456; on Australian parrots, 458; on Australian pigeons, 458; on the moulting of the ptarmigan, 462; on the immature plumage of birds, 466 et seq.; on the Australian species of Turnix, 473; on the young of Aïthurus polytmus, 487; on the colours of the bills of toucans, 491; on the relative size of the sexes in the marsupials of Australia, 515; on the colours of the Marsupials, 533.
  • Goureaux, on the stridulation of Mutilla europœa, 293.
  • Gout, sexually transmitted, 237.
  • Graba, on the Pied Ravens of the Feroe Islands, 424; variety of the Guillemot, 424.
  • Gradation of secondary sexual characters in birds, 430.
  • Grallatores, absence of secondary sexual characters in, 219; double moult in some, 390.
  • Grallina, nidification of, 454.
  • Grasshoppers, stridulation of the, 286.
  • Gratiolet, Prof., on the anthropomorphous apes, 154; on the evolution of the anthropomorphous apes, 177; on the difference in the development of the brains of apes and of man, 203.
  • Gray, Asa, on the gradation of species among the Compositæ, 175.
  • ——, J. E., on the caudal vertebræ of monkeys, 58; on the presence of rudiments of horns in the female of Cerculus moschatus, 504; on the horns of goats and sheep, 505; on the beard of the ibex, 531; on the Berbura goat, 533; on sexual differences in the coloration of Rodents, 534; ornaments of male sloth, 534; on the colours of the Elands, 535; on the Sing-sing antelope, 536; on the colours of goats, 536; on the hog-deer, 546.