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Page:Descent of Man 1875.djvu/665

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  • Hemsbach, M. von, on medial mamma in man, 37.
  • Hepburn, Mr., on the autumn song of the water-ouzel, 370.
  • Hepialus humuli, sexual difference of colour in the, 316.
  • Herbs, poisonous, avoided by animals, 66.
  • Hermaphroditism of embryos, 161.
  • Herodias bubulcus, vernal moult of, 393.
  • Heron, Sir R., on the habits of peafowl, 418, 419, 443.
  • —— love-gestures of a, 380
  • Herons, decomposed feathers in, 385; breeding plumage of, 391, 392; young of the, 481; sometimes dimorphic, 484; continued growth of crest and plumes in the males of some, 485; change of colour in some, 494.
  • Hesperomys cognatus, 568.
  • Hetœrina, proportion of the sexes in, 254; difference in the sexes of, 290.
  • Heterocerus, stridulation of, 302.
  • Hewitt, Mr., on a game-cock killing a kite, 363; on the recognition of dogs and cats by ducks, 412; on the pairing of a wild duck with a pintail drake, 415; on the courtship of fowls, 417; on the coupling of pheasants with common hens, 420.
  • Hilgendorf, sounds produced by crustaceans, 274.
  • Hindoo, his horror of breaking his caste, 122, 124.
  • Hindoos, local difference of stature among, 31; difference of, from Europeans, 192; colour of the beard in, 558.
  • Hipparchia Janira, 319; instability of the ocellated spots of, 428.
  • Hippocampus, development of, 163; marsupial receptacles of the male, 346.
  • —— minor, 202.
  • Hippopotamus, nakedness of, 56.
  • Hips, proportions of, in soldiers and sailors, 32.
  • Hodgson, S., on the sense of duty, 97.
  • Hoffberg, on the horns of the reindeer, 503; on sexual preferences shown by reindeer, 525.
  • Hoffman, Prof., protective colours, 281; fighting of frogs, 350.
  • Hog-deer, 546
  • Hog, wart-, 519; river-, 520.
  • Holland, Sir H., on the effects of new diseases, 182.
  • Homologous structures, correlated variation of, 43.
  • Homoptera, 281; stridulation of the, and Orthoptera, discussed, 288.
  • Honduras, Quiscalus major in, 248.
  • Honey-buzzard of India, variation in the crest of, 424.
  • Honey-suckers, moulting of the, 392; Australian, nidification of, 454.
  • Honour, law of, 121.
  • Hooker, Dr., forbearance of elephant to his keeper, 104; on the colour of the beard in man, 558.
  • Hookham, Mr., on mental concepts in animals, 83.
  • Hoolock Gibbon, nose of, 150.
  • Hoopoe, 371; sounds produced by the male, 376.
  • Hoplopterus armatus, wing-spurs of, 366.
  • Hornbill, African, inflation of the neck-wattle of the male during courtship, 383.
  • Hornbills, sexual difference in the colour of the eyes in, 425; nidification and incubation of, 454.
  • Horne, C., on the rejection of a brightly-coloured locust by lizards and birds, 289.
  • Horns, sexual differences of, in sheep and goats, 230; loss of, in female merino sheep, 231; development of, in deer, 233; development of, in antelopes, 234; from the head and thorax, in male beetles, 297; of deer, 503, 506, 515; and canine teeth, inverse development of, 514.
  • Horse, fossil, extinction of the, in South America, 191; polygamous, 217; canine teeth of male, 502; winter change of colour, 542.
  • Horses, rapid increase of, in South America, 47; diminution of canine teeth in, 53; dreaming, 74; of the Falkland Islands and Pampas, 181; numerical proportion of the sexes in, 215, 216; lighter in winter in Siberia, 229; sexual