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Page:Descent of Man 1875.djvu/667

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  • Hyelaphus porcinus, 546.
  • Hygrogonus, 345.
  • Hyla, singing species of, 350.
  • Hylobates, absence of the thumb in, 51; upright progression of some species of, 52; maternal affection in a, 70; direction of the hair on the arms of species of, 151; females of, less hairy below than males, 558.
  • —— agilis, 51; hair on the arms of, 151; musical voice of the, 527; superciliary ridge of, 558; voice of, 567.
  • —— hoolock, sexual difference of colour in, 537.
  • —— lar, 51; hair on the arms of, 151.
  • —— leuciscus, 51; song of, 568.
  • —— syndactylus, 51; laryngeal sac of, 527.
  • Hylophila prasinana, 308.
  • Hymenoptera, 291; large size of the cerebral ganglia in, 54; classification of, 148; sexual differences in the wings of, 277; aculeate, relative size of the sexes of, 279.
  • Hymenopteron, parasitic, with a sedentary male, 221.
  • Hyomoschus aquaticus, 547.
  • Hyperythra, proportion of the sexes in, 251.
  • Hypogymna dispar, sexual difference of colour in, 316.
  • Hypopyra, coloration of, 315.


  • Ibex, male, falling on his horns, 508; beard of the, 531.
  • Ibis, white, change of colour of naked skin in, during the breeding season, 389; scarlet, young of the, 481.
  • —— tantalus, age of mature plumage in, 483; breeding in immature plumage, 484.
  • Ibises, decomposed feathers in, 385; white, 492; and black, 493.
  • Ichneumonidæ, difference of the sexes in, 292.
  • Ichthyopterygia, 37.
  • Ichthyosaurians, 159.
  • Idiots,. microcephalous, their characters and habits, 35; hairiness and animal nature of their actions, 36; microcephalous, imitative faculties of, 87.
  • Iguana tuberculata, 354.
  • Iguanas, 354.
  • Illegitimate and legitimate children, proportion of the sexes in, 244.
  • Imagination, existence of, in animals, 74.
  • Imitation, 68; of man by monkeys, 72; tendency to, in monkeys, microcephalous idiots and savages, 87; influence of, 129.
  • Immature plumage of birds, 463, 466.
  • Implacentata, 157.
  • Implements, employed by monkeys, 81; fashioning of, peculiar to man, 82.
  • Impregnation, period of, influence of, upon sex, 245.
  • Improvement, progressive, man alone supposed to be capable of, 79.
  • Incisor teeth, knocked out or filed by some savages, 575.
  • Increase, rate of, 44; necessity of checks in, 47.
  • Indecency, hatred of, a modern virtue, 119.
  • India, difficulty of distinguishing the native races of, 167; Cyprinidæ of, 343; colour of the beard in races of men of, 558.
  • Indian, North American, honoured for scalping a man of another tribe, 117.
  • Individuality, in animals, 83.
  • Indopicus carlotta, colours of the sexes of, 458.
  • Infanticide, prevalence of, 46, 117, 256; supposed cause of, 577; prevalence and causes of, 591 et seq.
  • Inferiority, supposed physical, of man, 64.
  • Inflammation of the bowels, occurrence of, in Cebus Azaræ, 7.
  • Inheritance, 27; of long and short sight, 33; of effects of use of vocal and mental organs, 88; of moral tendencies, 123, 126; laws of, 227; sexual, 232; sexually limited, 444.
  • Inquisition, influence of the, 141.
  • Insanity, hereditary, 28.
  • Insect, fossil, from the Devonian, 289.
  • Insectivora, 534; absence of secondary sexual characters in, 218.