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- the habits of Lobivanellus, 366; on the spoonbill, 374; on the drumming of the Kalij-pheasant, 376; on Indian bustards, 378; on Otis bengalensis, 381; on the ear-tufts of Sypheotides auritus, 384; on the double moults of certain birds, 391; on the moulting of the honey-suckers, 392; on the moulting of bustards, plovers, and drongos, 393; on the spring change of colour in some finches, 393; on display in male birds, 394; on the display of the under-tail coverts by the male bulbul, 402; on the Indian honey-buzzard, 424; on sexual differences in the colour of the eyes of hornbills, 425; on the markings of the Tragopan pheasant, 428; on the nidification of the Orioles, 453; on the nidification of the hornbills, 454; on the Sultan yellow-tit, 458; onPalœornis javanicus, 461; on the immature plumage of birds, 465 et seq.; on representative species of birds, 468; on the habits of Turnix, 476; on the continued increase of beauty of the peacock, 485; on coloration in the genus Palœornis, 494.
- Jevons, W. S., on the migrations of man, 47.
- Jews, ancient use of flint tools by the, 145; uniformity of, in various parts of the world, 193; numerical proportion of male and female births among the, 243; ancient, tattooing practised by, 574.
- Johnstone, Lieut., on the Indian elephant, 218.
- Jollofs, fine appearance of the, 587.
- Jones, Albert, proportion of sexes of Lepidoptera, reared by, 253.
- Juan Fernandez, humming-birds of, 487.
- Junonia, sexual differences of colouring in species of, 310.
- Jupiter, comparison with Assyrian effigies, 581.
- Kaffir skull, occurrence of the diastema in a, 40.
- Kaffirs, their cruelty to animals, 118; lice of the, 170; colour of the, 579; engrossment of the handsomest women by the chiefs of the, 595; marriage-customs of the, 598.
- Kalij-pheasant, drumming of the male, 375; young of, 468.
- Kallima, resemblance of, to a withered leaf, 311.
- Kalmucks, general beardlessness of, 560; aversion of, to hairs on the face, 581; marriage-customs of the, 598.
- Kangaroo, great red, sexual difference in the colour of, 533.
- Kant, Imm., on duty, 97; on selfrestraint, 110; on the number of species of man, 174.
- Katy-did, stridulation of the, 283.
- Keen, Dr., on the mental powers of snakes, 352.
- Keller, Dr., on the difficulty of fashioning stone implements, 49.
- Kent, W. S., elongation of dorsal fin of Callionymus lyra, 336; courtship of Labrus mixtus, 341; colours and courtship of Cantharus lineatus, 341.
- Kestrels, new mates found by, 408.
- Kidney, one, doing double work in disease, 32.
- King, W. R., on the vocal organs of Tetrao cupido, 371; on the drumming of grouse, 376; on the reindeer, 503; on the attraction of male deer by the voice of the female, 526.
- King and Fitzroy, on the marriage-customs of the Fuegians, 599.
- King-crows, nidification of, 453.
- Kingfisher, 371; racket-shaped feathers in the tail of a, 384.
- Kingfishers, colours and nidification of the, 455, 457, 459; immature plumage of the, 467, 468; young of the, 481.
- King Lory, 457; immature plumage of the, 467.
- Kingsley, C., on the sounds produced by Umbrina, 347.
- Kirby and Spence, on sexual differences in the length of the snout in Curculionidæ, 208; on the courtship of insects, 221; on the elytra of Dytiscus, 276; on peculiarities in the legs of male insects, 276;