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Page:Description of Mount Vesuvius with an account of its various eruptions.pdf/1

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                             No. 4. PRICE ONE PENNY.
                                 DESCRIPTION OF
                          M O U N T  V E S U V I U S
                     With an Account of its various Eruptions.
                                TO WHICH IS ADDED,
                             THE DOG OF MONTARGIS,
                         A very Singular and True Story.

                               A Selection of
                          Amusing and instructive
                               R E A D I N G;
                                COMPRISING THE
                          MEMOIRS AND ANECDOTES
                         Singular & Eccentric Characters,
                            HISTORICAL FACTS, AND
                      GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIONS, &c., &c.,
                   Collected from Costly and Rare Works,
                              BY JOHN NICHOLSON,
                            PRINTER AND PUBLISHER,