proceeded from that part of the bay. Had the sky not been perfectly serene, one would have considered it to be thunder. Towards mine o'clock, however, a little fire appeared at the old crater, and left us no longer in doubt a- bout the cause of the intonations. At a few minutes past 11, it burst forth in all its fury, throwing out stones to a great height. In three hours afterwards, the lava rolled forth in two grand streams, one taking towards Resina, where the King's villa, called La Favorita, is situated, and the other inclining in a more southerly direction to Torre del Annunciata The torrent of lava which flows towards Resina has already covered 100 acres of ground. The showers of ashes darken the sky, and fall even in the streets of the capital. The stones which have fallen at Bosco-Tre- Case have accumulated to the height of five palms. The eruptions of stones are frequent, and the sounds which issue from the moun- tain are frightful. All the people who lived near the volcano have fled. About 800 per- sons from the neighbouring villages have been received by order of the police and pre- fecture. "Oct. 25.—The fire seems to-ray to be spent, but as the wind has changed to the south-east, or, as it is called Sirocco, the smoke and ashes have come over Naples, and the mountain, with Portici, and all along the