continue. The inhabitants of the Torre del Greco have suffered no other injury than what arises from their being in a great part cover- ed with ashes and stones. A portion of the territory of Resina is covered with lava, but only where lava had formerly lain. The tower of the Annunciata has sustained injuries which it will not be easy either to estimate or repair. At Ottaiano, the fire has consum- 50 acres of Wood. These are all the de- tails which have hitherto reached us." The following additional particulars of this interesting event are contained in an- other private letter from Naples, dated Oc- tober 29:-- "Vesuvius is comparatively quiet, but it still throws out immense columns of smoke, and the lapillo and fine ashes, continue to rain round the country according to the di- rection of the wind. Yesterday the wind blew over Naples, and it was a very rainy day. To my surprise, on going out, I found that the water which fell was of the colour of mud; indeed so thickly was it mixed with a shower of the fine volcanic ashes, that it has besmeared the houses and trees, and every thing exposed, in a most curious manner. "The first stream of lava thrown out at the west side of the crater, was about half a mile in breadth; it passed between the her- mitage of San Salvatore and the ruins of a