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Usefulness of such Meetings, is entirely dropt by our Author: I shall leave it to the Reader to look into Mr. Durham himself. I shall only add, It is an unfair a very cunning Way of dealing, to commend the Practice of any Thing as profitable and useful, and yet to insist only upon the Abuses of the Practice, without giving any Instances of the Profitableness or Usefulness thereof.

Extracted from Mr. William Wilson's Defence of the Reformation Principles of the Church of Scotland, Pages 198, 199, 305, 306. 307, 308.


The following Books are to be Sold at George Paton's Shop in Linlithgow.

I. A Collection of several remarkable and valuable Sermons, Speeches and Exhortations, preached by our Covenanting Reformers, at the renewing of the Covenants, from 1638, to 1650, explaining and applying the Covenants, and answering Scruples and Objections against the same; very seasonable and necessary for these Times.

II. The Lawfulness and Duty of Separation from corrupt Ministers, and Objections explained and vindicated, by Mr. James Fraser of Brae late Minister of the Gospel at Culross.

III. The Rules and Directions for Fellowship Meetings by. Mr. Walter Smith, and Mr. John Hepburn.

IV. A Vindication of Fellowship Meetings, by Mr. John Brown, both which contains Scripture Warrants for the said Meetings.