90 Devon Notes and Queries. from top to bottom, beautifully written, and with the seal perfect. But the scribe who wrote it was illiterate, and it is full of clerical errors. Prebendary F. C. Hing^eston-Randolph has, with his ever ready kindly help, enabled us to solve the difficulties in making the transcript which the ignorance or carelessness of the writer of the original created. Thomas, lord of Puslinch, in consideration of forty marks .paid by John Holbeton of Overton gave and confirmed to him and his heirs and assigns a farling of land lying and being in Overton with its appurtenances, at an annual reat of ten shillings to be paid at Easter and on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, doing visit and service at the Manor courts, and grinding corn at the Manor mills. Dr. Oliver says that a farling of land was perhaps thirty acres {Monast. ExoniensiSf p. 321, note.) Mr. Holberton has also a few acres of land adjoining Torre Estate, but in the parish of Holbeton. The Manor of Newton Ferrers was purchased by William Holberton in 1760. At the present time one moiety belongs to Col. T. N. Holberton, R.A., and to Mr. Vaughan. H. A. Holberton, and the other to the representatives of the late Mr. Michael Williams, of Gnaton Hall, in the parish of Newton Ferrers. This William Holberton, and many other members of the family, were buried in the Church or Church- yard of Newton Ferrers, where there is a family tomb. For many years before 1829 the family arms used were described as *' Or. on a bend azure 3 mascles of the first, between 3 boars heads of the second. Crest, a boards head erased azure. By deed of grant from Herald's College dated 25th July, 1829 (10 Geo. 4th) the arms were re-arranged, the crest somewhat altered, and the motto Ora et labora " added, and are therein described as : — Per fesse or and azure ^ a pale counter- changed, over ally on a plain fesse with cottises engrailed ermine between 3 mascles J as many boars heads erazed gules. And for the crest, on a wreath of the colours upon a mount vert in front of 2 tilting spears in saltire proper a boar's head erect, couped gules. G.R.O.H. Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego Thomas de Veteri ponte dominus de Poselynche pro summa quadraginta marcarum sterlingorum legalis monete Anglicane quondam Johannes Holbetone de Overture solvit michi dicto Thome pre manibus dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea con- firmavi prefato Johanni Holbetone pro homagio et servicio suo, pro ano
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