ii8 Devon Notes and Queries, importance to be reprinted. There is no allusion to it in Dr. Oliver's History of the Castle, nor is the site of the postern marked in the copy of Norden*s map which accompanies that history, although this is dated 1617, only three years later than the letter. At the present time it may be diflftcult to suggest in what part of the Castle walls it was situated, but as the map in question points out that gardens adjoined them on the City side, its position would most probably be on the side facing the outer ditch, beyond which the fields were situated.
- ' My most humble duty remembred to yor good Lordships.
Since the meeting with my deputies and Colonelles at Exceter, and ye Order there taken for the due execution of yor lordships direccions (whereof I certefied your Lp« by my letters of the third of October last) I have byn careful! to see ye same perfourmed in all respectes by every of them within their severall divisions, as well for the generall view and Trayning of ye forces both of horse and foote and all Supplies therein required to be made ; as also for the provision of powder and such other necessaries to be in a readiness vpon all occasions for Service. My good Lordes according to my promise in my former Letters I now send your Lop* my Certificate herewithal, which I had more speedily retoumedi but that ye unseasonable weather so hindred ye view and exercising of the men, as that ye Captaines could not sooner perfect their Rolles, for the which I must crave your Lop* pardon, if I have been too slack. I am lately informed that ye Castle of Exon standing in ye walles of the Cittye, there is a Postern doore through the walles of ye Castle towardes ye feilds, by which many thousandes in any time of Trouble may without resistance enter the Cittye. This doore now serves to no other use but to lett in and out Bankrupts and such persons as dare not be seen of honnest men. Being therefore a matter of such danger, I thought it meet to give notice thereof to your honnors, praying that by your next (if it shall stand with your Lop* liking) I may have order to wall up the same, which I shall be con- tented to do at myne owne Chardge, rather then a thing of such import- aunce for ye safegard of the Cittye should be neglected. Yor Lop* in all duty to be comaunded W. Bathon. Towstock this sixt of December: 1614. (Endorsed) 6 December 1614. From the Erie of Bathe to their Lps. (Addressed) To the Right ho»J my verie good Lordes the Lis of his Ma*»«* most ho" privy Councell." T. N. Brushfibld.