128 Devon Notes atid Queries. Whether there is any trace of a memorial with arms to Dr. Evan Morice in St. Martin's, Exeter, I am unable to say. G. T. WiNDYER Morris. 95. Dartmoor. — With this part we issue the concluding portion of Mr. Crossing's Ancient Stone Crosses of Dart- moor and its Borderland, with a map. This is the latest addition to Dartmoor literature. We wish that all the recent efforts of writers on the ** wondrous region " were as successful and useful as this volume. Unfortunately there is little new in most of what has been written of late years, and, with the exception of Mr. Robert Bumard's "Pictorial Records of Dartmoor," there has been a lamentable want of originality and freshness. We hear of other books on the same subject. Mr. T. A. Falcon has in hand " Encyclopaedic Dart- moor," to be largely illustrated, and, as many know, Mr. Brooking Rowe has been collecting material for some time past for *' A Dartmoor Dictionary," It is, however, probable, the former will see the light first. The literature of Dartmoor, putting on one side articles dealing with special phases of its history, would be very meagre had it not been for the Perambulation, and the source of the inspiration of the authors of various books and articles is readily detected. •fr <>• ■*> REVIEV. 96. Hartland.* — We have much pleasure in drawing the attention of our readers to this very excellent little book. It is full of interesting matter relating to Hart- land, the parish, the Abbey and the Church. There is no padding, no attempt at bookmaking, and the result is that we have a really good history of the place. Would that there was so competent and careful a writer for every parish in our county ! It is worthy of note, and in the words of the author, " it is due to the printer to say that it is the first ever printed in Hartland, that he combines the various functions of com- positor, proof-reader, printer, binder, publisher and bookseller, and that the press on which it has been printed is almost entirely his own handy-work." • " The Story of HarUand," by R. Pearse Chope, BA., Hartland. Printed and published by Thomas Cory Burrow, Hartland Chronicle Office, 1902.
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