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Page:Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries.djvu/219

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i6o Devon Notes aud Queries, addition, while in the pedigree Richard Tichborne marries Dorothea filia Joh'is Saxbiae ; certainly there is no heiress or co-heiress mentioned, yet one cannot but believe that Stowe meant it for Saxby. However, I think Risdon's coat of Falapit ' Argent a chevron between three greyhounds courant sable,* proves that the impaled shield was intended for the marriage of the daughter and heiress of Nicholas Falapit with Henry Fortescue, but how Sackebye changed to Falapit, or whether Falapit married heiress of Sackebye and took their Arms there seems to be no clue. F.W. 123. Badges and Supporters in the Courtbnay Arms. — In Tiverton Church are carved on either side of the chancel arch the Courtenay arms, surmounted by the eagle and the bundle of sticks and again by a pair of pigs. Are these supporters? Elsewhere in the church the sup- porters seem to be S. George and a female figure. Have they anything to do with the Redvers family? Edwin S. Chalk. [The falcon (or eagle) standing on a bundle of sticks was a Courtenay badge. The proper supporters of the Courtenay arms as Earls of Devon are two boars, and were of ancient use by the family. They occasionally used two swans gorged by coronets, and claimed in allusion to their descent from de Bohun. The figure of S. George and (?) an angel were certainly not regular supporters. — Eds.] 124. Briefs. — A list of collections on " Briefs " from the Registers of the Parish of High Melton or Melton-on- the-Hill, West Riding of Yorkshire, by F. Royston Fairbank, M.D., will be found in the Yorkshire Archaological and Topographical Journal^ Vol. vii., 1882. Amongst these briefs, which are very numerous and refer to all parts of the country, I find the following relating to Devonshire : — 1683. Collected on a brief for Columpton in Devonshire the sum of vi s. 6d., August the 5th, 83 (fire). 1683. Collected on a brief for Bradninch in Devonshire the some of nine pence, September 23. 1691. Collected on a brief for Teignmouth and Salon (Shaldon) in Devonshire the sume of los. lod.. May loth, 91 (fire). 1692. £for Chagford in Devonshire the sume of 2s. lod., June I2th (fire). J. Hamblby Rowb, m.b.