lo Dev<m Nates and Queries. of 7 feet in loo years, and its annual girth increment at that age may have been as much as 0'6 inches. Its annual girth increment since that period would then be 0.475 inches. The total girth increment since it attained a girth of 84 inches being 168 inches. Under the supposed conditions this increment ensued in a period of 354 years ; and the total age of the tree would be 460 years. The real age of the tree is probably about 600 years. It would be interesting to know whether time has dealt as gently with the other specimens alluded to. F. G. Collins. 10. Merivale MSS. — ^The late Dr. Merivale (Dean of Ely) in a paper on Herman Merivale^ C.B, (Trans. Dev. Ass" XVI. 570 —580) writes, in respect to John Herman Merivale, of Barton Place, Bedford Square, London (1779- 1844), At the time of his death, in April, 1844, he was much occupied with collections for the antiquarian and literary history of Devon, which a few years of greater leisure might have brought to maturity.'* What was the natiu'e of the MSS. and where are they now ? T. Cann Hughes, M.A., F.S.A. 11. Bishop John Bowthe (Vol. I, p. 57, par. 36). — In the early part of the past year, the newspapers reported that the churchyard of St. Clement Danes was to be done away with, so as to widen that portion of the Strand, the bodies being removed to the Woking Cemetery, and as '* the graves include those of . . . two Bishops of Exeter," it would at first sight appear as if the latter were to be included in the removal. I am, however, informed by the Rector, that there win be no disturbance of the remains within the church building, wherein such ecclesiastics would be interred. The two Bishops referred to were John Booth (ob. 1478) and John Arundell (ob. 1504). With respect to the latter, there is a general consensus of opinion among authors that he died at Essex House in the Strand, and was buried in the Church of St. Clement Danes. But as to the place of interment of Bishop Booth, leading authorities have greatly dififered. There can, however, be little doubt that he died on April 5th, 1478, and was buried in
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