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202 Devon Notes and Queries. 1 60. " Devrouw.'* — I have a house bell with inscription, " Antonia Elisabet Devrouw " (no date). Is anything known of this family ? Query, Devereux ? W. H. Kitson. 161. Portrait of Rev. Mr. Norman, of Plymouth — A Nonconformist author of sermons, living about the middle or latter half of 1700. Thanks and liberal remuneration, if desired, will be given for certain information concerning his birthplace or parentage, and especially as to a portrait of him, owned by a Plymouth descendant, and also supposed by some to represent John Norman of Bridgwater. J.K., c/o Messrs. Cossart, Madeira. 162. Exeter Communion Plate. — The congregation worshipping in George's Meeting, South-street, of which the Rev. T. W, Chignell has been the minister since 1862, owns some extremely valuable sacred vessels. One of the two silver cups is 8^ inches tall, has a plain bell, stem, knop and foot, with the London date letter of 1576-77. The bell is inscribed : — No. I. James's Meeting. And in pouncing, now faint : I.W. The second cup, also of silver, 8^ inches tall, and of similar shape, bears the London assay letter of 1660-61. The inscription on bell, evidently cut by the same hand as the other, reads : — No. 2. James's Meeting. Just below the lip, and above these words, is faintly pounced : M. L M. 1 66 1. The congregation of James's Meeting — so called in con- sequence of the declaration of Indulgence by James IL — ^was that of which James Peirce, the noted dissenting divine, was minister from 1713 to 171 9. The Meeting-house was con- verted into dwelling-houses in 1760, the year in which George's Meeting was opened. The two patens of silver are of much interest. Both are the same, save that one was assayed in London 1705-6, and