228 Devon Notes and Queries, means of the names of incumbents in the RegisUrs oflnsHtutions and Visitations. The transcripts posterior to 1660 are arranged in archdeaconries, and each of the four yearly bundles can be examined to find a particular parish in less than an hour. Many transcripts, however, are missing, having probably never been sent to the registry, and therefore no bundles can be found for some of the years — e.g., a large number of the Cornish transcripts are at the Probate Registry at Bodmin, having been transferred there from the Archdeacon's Registry in 1858, together with the wills and administration papers, and in connection with this every antiquary ought to feel indebted to Mr. W. H. L. Shad well, the present registrar at Bodmin, for the great trouble he must have taken to put them so carefully in order and to compile the excellent calendar which is now available for searchers." — Vide Notes and QuerieSf 9, series xi., 14 Feb., 1903, p. 131. 185. Stallensthorne (II., 222, par. 177). — Stalingthom is in Hockworthy parish, and Bampton Hundred, and consists of some 75 acres, separated from Hockford by Thomland, an outlier of Huntsham. It appears in Domesday as Stanlinz, and was there held by Odo, son of Gamelin, but since the Domesday estate consisted of some 164 or more acres, it seems probable that it included both Stalingsthorn, in Hock- worthy, and Thornland, the outlier of Huntsham. In 13 16 in the list of townships appears '* Township of Hokeworthy with Stanlynche, Lege, Hele, hamlets in the same, Henry de Berneville is lord thereof." Stanlinch was held of the Honour of Torington as were all Odo's and Tetbald's estates, but probably in socage, as the name does not appear in any of the fee-lists. Oswald J. Reichbl. 186. Duchess of St. Albans. — Can any of your readers inform me if the Duchess of St. Albans (formerly Miss Mellon, the celebrated actress) visited Topsham about the year 1835, and if so what was the occasion of her visit ? S.H.S. 187. HoNiTON History. — Mr. Daniel Gould, who was Mayor of Honiton in 1868, collected materials for a history of this town. He died 12th November, 1869. Have his MSB. been preserved ? If so, in whose hands are they ? T. Cann Hughes, f.s.a.
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