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DivoK Nf^es and Qumss. 15 those armes. And yett neverthelesse in their third letter they write that it is fitt I should send upp my evidence : ffor say they there be men yet lyvinge that knew yo* grandfather what hee was and whear his dwellinge was : And moreov' yo" varie in yo* discent some tyroe derivinge yC seue oat of the house of Chesshire sometymes from de la Pole and sometvmes Irom a Pole of other shires. I understand not their meaneinge in that they write there bee men lyvinge that knew my grandfather what hee was and whear hee dwelled : But I pray yo" iodge the truth of this, my grandfather died one hundred and six yeeres paste and lefte my father w*>>in one yeere old and in ward : And is it likelte that anie now lyvinge knew^my grandfather. Andtheirfore (I must censure) this laste letter was directed out of some spleene or els ignorannce. I knowe their is not anie that durste avouch this unto my face, bat I am in the condition of other men subiecte unto slanderous tongues w^ will whisper and not speake out playnelye to bee understoode. And surelie if yo' deputies doe understand auntient deeds, they might have repressed this question. Yo» know Mr. Clarenceiux that de la Pole at Pole and Pole ys one and the selfe same altered by tymes and neede not prove hitt unto yo" that know it. And it cannot be proved that ev I altered my discent from the firste petegree that I caused to bee drawen Ano Dni 1587 by Mr. York. And because it is not soe full and p'fecte and alsoe false in the discente of Cheshire att that tyme unknowen unto him and my selfe. I requested Mr. Richmond and his fellow, that they would crave yo' assistance and furtherance in alloweinge that v<^ yo" shall iinde trew, and helpinge what yo" shall find unp'fect, ffor the w^l promised to give 'o** full conteantment, ffor I desire not to have a fali;e and patcht discent w*** giveth a glorious conceite unto unworthie p'sons. My discent shall be drawen by deeds of myne owne or such as have ben in myne ancestors keepingeand by records of lands w^^ are discended from my progenitors and whearin my grandfather, my father or myself e : I will not sett downe anythinge but yeald a reason theirof. Now to gyve yo» taste of my grandfather of whom soe much question is had I will tell 3'o» (aa I lind) what he was and whear hee dwelled. The land lefte him to discend was worth four thousand poundes, of w<^ I possesse a good pte at this tyme, some hee sold other my father sold and soe accordinge unco tymes inheritance alters. Hee dwelled (1 am assured) at Chardstoke uppon his owne land and their died one hundred and six yeeres passed, hee married two wyves both gentlemens daughters. the one Waller the other Drake. My discent out of the house of Cheshire has been allowed by two of yo* predesessors under their handes Clarenciaux Harvy & Cooke and have stoode w^ their matches in glasse above three score yeeres and in banginges above one hundred yeeres. My grandfather sold Netherenen and other land in Cheshire. John Poll the Sonne of S' John Pull, ano 18 of R 2 from whom I draw my petigree was possessed thereof, and in the 17 of Kinge £ 4 John Pole died seized thereof, and John Pole my greategrandfather was his sonne and heire. John Pole of Devonshire died in the begineinge of Kinge H 6 and Elizabeth is found his daughter and heire. This is the rolles of the Baronie of Okehampton in the custody of Mr. Maynaird the lawyer ffeodarie of the heires of the Erie of Devon. Theis bee the ambignities of my discent w^ I thought fitt to acquaynt yo» w* all. Yo' deputies alsoe question mee for quarteringe of the Lo : Bonvills arms in w<* they ar deceived}: but indeed I quarter Bonvills annes. S' Nicholas Bonvill in the tyme of Kinge H 3 had yssue S' Willm, Bonvill and Alexander w<^ married the daughter and heir of Henrie de la fford from whom I draw my discent and am possessed at this