Dwan Notes and Queries. 237 192. Repairs to Powdbrham Castlb. — The following account relating to works at Powderham Castle is preserved at the Public Record Office. It is contained in a paper book of eight pages, five of which only are written on, and is imperfect, a few lines at the top of each page being frayed away. The date is the 31st year of King Henry VIII (1539-40), and at that time the castle was in the hands of the Crown by the attainder of Henry Marquis of Exeter. Accounts, etc., Exchequer (Q.R.) Item payed to Thomas Bauson, mas[on], his labor with^ mete and drynke att his owne [charges] vj days theliij* vj<' the same weke att vij<^ the day J Item payed to William Carter, mason, for his labor vj days^ with mete and drynke att his owne charges the samej-iij* vj^ weeke at vij<* the day .... J Item payed to John Ayreton, laborer, for his labor vj days^ with mete and drynke att hys owne charges the same viij* wyke att vj** the day .... .J Item payed to John Cornyshe, laborer, for hys labor vj days^ att hys owne charges of mete and drynke the samej-iij* weke att vj<> the day .... .J Item payed for a peyn to here small stanys in the same weke j<^ Item payed the same tyme for ropys for the scaffolds . iiij<> Item payed William Sowmond for his labor and mete and^ drynke iij days the weke then next foUowyng attvij* viijd by the day ..... .J Item payed to Thomas [iij* vj<*] Tawman, Thomas* [iij* vj<*] Sanson, William Carter [iij* vj**], masons, for ther labor and mete and drynke vj days att vj<^ the day eayche of them .... Sm xxxj» v<* weke after Sent Andrewys day payd to thej sayd William Townman, mason, for his labor and for li* iiij** hys mete and drynke ij days att viij^ the daye .J Item payd to the same Thomas Tawman, mason, Thomas'^ Johnson, mason, and to William Carter, mason, ttierl -^ labor and for ther mete and drynke vj dayes the same j ^ weke eayche of them att vij<> the day . j Item payd to John [iij»] Ayshton and to John [iij«] Cor-' nyshe, laborers, for ther labor and for ther mete and drynke vj dayes the same weke to fine the masons eaiche of them att wj^ the day . . . .^ Item payed to Olyver , the quarryman, for"! drawyng of a hmidred and ij semys of stonys every I ., ...m ^u stone a seme att Peam quarry whiche is iij mylys and j ^ ^ more from Powderham att l^' the seme . j Item payd to the same Olyver for caryage of the same^ stonys from the quarry to Powderham for every seme j-xiiij* x* ob !<* ob . . , . .J -X» VJ I'd vj-
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