xlij» iij<* Devon Notes and Queries, 239 Item payed to a nother laborman v dayes and di the same^.., ..-^ weke att vj<> the day and ij<^ the half day . ./ ^ ^ Item one laborman wrought there with the plumer ij dayes ..^ before Grists Eve att vj<* the day . . ./ ^ Item payed to one more for his labor and mete and drynke a daye and half workyng there the Cristmas weke that I ^ ys to say Fryday and Saturday before the xij^ day att | vj<> the day ....../ Item payed for my costs and charges in rydyng from my house to Powderham and from Powderham to Exeter to provyde ledde, lyme and stonys for the provysion of the same reparycons and for my charges abydynge there to provyde workmen and all other necessary thyngs about the same att iiij severall tymes . ., Sm xxvij» *> H. MicHELL Whitley. 193. "WiLLOUGHBY QUARTERINGS " (II., p. 220, pat. 174). — The sixth quarter is for Glanville, **A chief indented .'* Afford also brings in Valoins and Vescy. W.W.R. 194. WiLLouGHBY Arms (II., p. 220, par. 174.) — Carved on one of the oak bench ends in Bere Ferrers Church is a shield bearing the arms of Lord Willoughby de Broke, Lord of the Manor and patron a.d. 1500. On taking possession of this rectory 1875, ^ found in the cellar some very old glass, probably from the church ; amongst it a shield of arms, imperfect, but corresponding exactly to the carving aforesaid, viz. : — Grand quarters : ist. Quarterly i and ^ or^ a cross erossUty 2 and 3 guks a cross moline (Willoughby de Broke). 2nd, Argent, a cross fluery gules (Latimer). 3rd, GuUs, four fusUs conjoined in fess argent, each charged with an escallop (Cheney). 4th, Or, on a chevron gules (Stafford). These arms are to be found in a iine alabaster altar tomb in Callington Church, Cornwall, but the quartering of Stafford carries thereon a bordure engrailed. It was the son of Sir John Willoughby who married the daughter and co-heiress of Sir Edmund Cheney of Broke, Sir Robert of Broke, who became Lord of the Manor of Bere by his marriage with Blanche, daughter and heiress of Sir John Champemoun, and who was created Lord Willoughby de Broke August 12th, 1492, and died 1502, and was buried at Callington. In Bere Ferrers Church, in the north transept (still called the Manor aisle) is a handsome altar tomb, but without any
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