Devon Notes and Queries. 243 is: )P3 US V. S (3.) The machinery and stock-in-trade of a local manufac-* turer of tobacco. The details do not require any extended description, but a few foot-notes have been added where deemed necessary. T. N. Brushfibld, m.d. "Bn 5nventOt12 of the goods and Chatties of Henery Hampshire of Honiton in the County of Devon Marchant late Deed taken and appraised by William Levermore Apothecary James Sheppard Gent' and ffrancis Glanvill Cordwiner the nine and Twentieth Day of September Anno Dms 1690. As followeth >— 9ltl|>* His Weareing Apparrell... In Money by Him Several! peeces of broad Gold to the Valine of ... In Silver in Moneyes nombred ... More Moneyes ... ... ... .-. ... ffoure Little gold rings... In Silver plate Bills and Bondes One Debt on Bond from Thomas Southcott Esq' of 50^ Arreare Interest for the same ... One Debt on Bond from Thomas Guningham of 05^ One Debt on Bond from AUice Spiller wid^ of 4^ One Debt on Bond from Samuell Hall of o^ One Debt of Twenty ponndes from PhilHp Prince Gent' on ^^vjnu ••• ••• ••• ••• ■•• ••• One Debt on Bond from Richard Amos [?] of 021* 15s One Debt on Bond from Edward Channon of 10** One Debt on Bond from John Anning of 60^* One Debt on Bond from John Gollsworthie and Elizabeth his wife of 05^ ... One Debt of 02* from Edward H [?] on Bonds One Debt on Bond from Thomas Marwood of 31^ lo* One Debt on Bond from William Boiler of 15** ... One Debt on Bond from George Clapp of 30^ on Bond ... One Debt from John Clapp of 10^ on Bond One other Debt from John Clapp of 20^ on Bond One Debt of 20" from Gilbert ffry Gent* on Bond fiFor Interest for the same Severall Debts and Sames of Money due to the Intestate by contract &c ^?] Allsoe ffor Book Debts & for Arrear Rent amounting to in the whole the snme of The Lease of the House Messuage & Severall other Messuages and one close of Land called Culwarhey of the Inhenritance of John Ashford Esq' in Honiton aforesd for the Remd' of a Terme of ninety nine Yeares Determinable on the severall Deathes of Patience Humphrey Wid<> & Henery Humphrey her Sonne Valued att ... One other Lease of one field & Bame of the Inhenritance of S' William Courtenay Scituate in Honiton afore- said for the Remaind' of ninety nine yeares Deter> minable on the Severall Deathes of the said Patience and Anne Humphrey her Daughter Vallued att 1. 10 20 408 39 01 21 s. 00 d. 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 05 00 00 00 50 00 00 9 00 00 05 00 00 40 00 00 05 00 00 20 00 00 02 15 00 10 00 00 60 00 00 05 00 00 02 00 00 31 00 00 15 00 00 30 00 00 10 00 00 20 00 00 20 00 00 01 00 00 208 08 00 200 00 00 66 00 00
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