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Page:Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries.djvu/335

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246 Devon Notes and Queries, In the Workehouse Two Tobacco Engines with their appurtencs Two Dozen of Press Boxes One Tobacco press One Other workein^ Board one Tray Two Hammers One Trunke Two Tobacco Hoggs heades three Tubbs two Barretls Six Sieves a Cutting Board two Boxes in all ... In the New Workehouse Eighteene Tobacco Hogsheads one pile of Hard wood all... In the Barne Thirty Seaven Tobacco Hoggsheades one paire of Great Scales and Weights Timber Boardes Luggs and other Lumber in all ... ... ... ... .•• In the Barn- worke- House One press Two Tobacco Hoggs Heades foure Beames w* Timber Luggs & other Lumber in all In the SUble & the Co Ten Timber Boardes half a Hundred of Reed (16) Hard Wood & faggotts & other Luml)er ft a wheel Barrow all In the Shopp Six Hoggsheados ten Boxes A Cabbinet one Counter Two Joint Stooles ffoure paire of Scales and Weights 30 gross of pipes shelves paper & Twine with other small vtensiiis ... •.. ••• ••• ••• ... In Severall Chambers 20 paire of Sheetes ... ••• ... ... ••• 7 Board Cloths ... .•• ••• ••• ••• 4 Dozen of Napkins Other Table linning ft Bed lining ft linning of all sorts ... One Debt Due from William Bartlett for which his goodes are obliged ... ... ••• ••• ••• j fliare ■•. •*• ••• ••• «•• ••> A Watch Defective Debts Desperate (17) by contract ft for Rent Desperate Debts^on Bond from Phillip Oake Andrew Lake John Croot Josias Searle Thomas Blampin Moses Abbott ft John Barber Sm total ... ... Wm Levermorel Jas Sheppard J-Appraysor* Francis Glanvilll Lett this Inventory be Exhibited 04 00 00 03 06 00 01 13 04 05 03 00 02 10 00 03 15 00 05 07 10 10 00 00 01 08 00 01 10 00 02 00 00 30 00 00 04 00 00 01 00 00 41 ID 00 64 17 06 1823 O 06 Patience Humphry (I.) Tobacco. Does the cost per lb. in- clude the exdae duty ? Performed, complete. A Devon term according to HtalliwelL Frail chair» a rush bottom chair. Cloame, earthenware. (5.) Glass cagCt a basket or open wood frame for holding fflass ware, etc. Crookes, a chain suspended in a chim- ney for holding boilers (Halliwell.) (a.) (3) (4) (6.) (7.) Stiieing^ irons, tor ironing^ linen. (8.) Pothan^ers, pothooks. (9.) Gibbs, iron hooks. <io.) BrandUce, a tripod stand for holdingr a pot over a fire. (ix.) Dish cag«, vfdlr srl**> cage. (is.) Treadle, a brewer's cooler, an oval tub for scalding pigs. (13.) Coope, a baaket. (14.) Tobacco engine, nuiduBe for catting tobacco. (15.) Gambadoes, leather cases to preserve the legs from dust, etc, when riding. (16.) Reed, hand-thatched straw used tor thatdiing. (17.) Desperate, bad, hopeless. InHobbes' LeviaihoH (1641) is thw paragn^ : " The estate ot a desperate debtor" (L. xi. 4a)