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256 Devon Notes and Queries. 206. CuTLAND, CoTBLAND. Eliot Family. — Lysons, in his Cornwall^ p. Ixxv., says the Eliots came from Cutland, in Devonshire, this he also gives as Coteland, p. 114. HarL Cornwall Visitatum^ p. 66, says Cutland, and also gives it as the name of the family in the second quartering, but no blazon. I should be glad to know where Cutland is, and also the arms of the family of that name. I came across a Thomas Cutland the other day who signs as King's Physician in 1553, in Fuller's Church History, Book VII., p. 422, the only reference to the family I can find. F.W. 207. Church Plate (XL, p. 188, par. 139.) — There can be little doubt that the three chalices, belonging respectively to the churches of Sourton, Ugborough, and Sampford Spiney (illustrations of the first two being given), and probably that of South Brent also, were the productions of John Jones, a goldsmith of St. Petrock's parish, Exeter, in the i6th century; the stamp ions or ins borne by them being recognised as his maker's mark. He appears to have supplied a large number of Devonshire churches with chalices during the reign of Elizabeth to replace those that had been in use during the pre- Reformation period. An account of some of his works will be found in Vol. I., p. 74, and additional to those named therein, he also furnished others to the churches of Lympstone, Brixton, St. Kerrian*s (Exeter), Tamerton Foliott, Littleham (Exmouth), Littleham (Bideford), and Colaton Ralegh. Probably all of his manu- facture were fitted with covers which were utilised as patens, and these were usually incised with the date, or with the figure of a Tudor rose. The date assigned to the Sourton example by your correspondent is 1756; this is evidently a printer's error for 1576. T. N. Brushpibld, u.d. 208. Carew's Scroll. — Mrs. Rose Troup writes us that she has discovered some errors and omissions in the index to this MS. (Supplement to Vol. I.), and suggests that we should ask our readers to furnish us with a list of any mistakes they may have noted. We shall be pleased to hear from any of our readers, and will print a list of the necessary corrections. Eds.