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i8o Index. Buckland Ford, i8, 71 ; View from. 19 Monachorum Cross, 61, 62 ; Restoration of, 61, 62 Monachorum, Inscribed Stones formerly at. 62, no; Pillar in Churchyard, 62; School at, 62 ; Track to Buck- fast from, 68, 84 ; Village, 61 Bude Lane, 124 Bulhornstone Cross, 178 Burham Farm, Shaft of Cross on. 173 Burrator. 64. 65 ; Reservoir, 65, 85 ; W«»od. 51 Bush Meads. 19 Butterdon Hill Stone Row, 13, 15, 28 CADAFORD BRIDGE. 39, 49. 57 ; Cross near, 49 ; Sur- roundings of, 50 Calisham Down, 54 Cann, George, 130 Carrington, 89, 92 Carwithen, Rev. Charles, 155 Castle Ring, 45 Chagford, Neighbourh(Jod of, 136, 137 Church, 137 ; Crosses found in, 137 Chapel Lands, 123 Charter of King John, 3, 78 Childe the Hunter, Death of, 95 ; Legend of, 88, 89, 90 Childe's Tomb, 88 ; Cross formerly on, 94 ; Description of, 91 ; Destruction of, 89 ; Discovery of, 91 ; Inscription on, 89, 93 ; Remains near, 91, 92, 93 Cholera, Deaths from, 43 Cholwich Town, 36 ; Cross at, 36 Coaker, Jonas, 148 , of Sherburton, 98 Coffin Stone, The. 169, 170 Colebrook, 45 ; Chapel at, 45 Coppard, Rev. VV. I., 43, 59 Copriscrosse, 57, 60 Commons of Devon, The, 3 Cornwood, 34, 35 ; Church, 35 ; Cross roads at, 34 ; Cross at, 177 Coryndon Ball Gate, 12 Cosdon, 125, 126, 177 Cranbrook Castle, Inscribed Stone near, 137 Crapstone Farm, Shalt of Cross on, 62, 63 Crazy Well Pool, 85, 86 ; Cross near, 87 Cross, The, 4, 5 ; A bond-mark, 6 ; A burial monument, 6 ; Earlier than the Church, 5; Purposes of, 175 ; The centre of village life, 5 Furzes, 103; Guide Stone at. 172 ; Clapper near, 173 Park, 141, 156 Roads, 6 Crosses, Destruction of, 5 ; Pro- bable date of, 83 ; Style oC those on Dartmoor, 6, 175 Crossing, Mrs. Joseph, 45 Crucem dc Wolewillc, 57, 58 Siwardi, 57 Cudlipp Town Down, Path on, 174 Cuming, Chas., 141, 164 Cumston Tor, 103 Cut Lane, 149 DARK LAKE. 72 Dartmeet, loi; Hill, 169; View from, 170 Dartmoor, Antiquities of, 4; Aspect of, 2. 3 ; Crosses, 6, 7 ; Elevation of, 2 *, Extent of, I ; Old map of, 13, 74t 7^ ; Situation of, 2 Inn, 117 Preservation Asso- ciation, 96, 97 Dean Burn, Valley of, 71 Church, 172 Debben and the Grey Wethers, 147 Delamore, 35, 177 Derges. William, 155 Diamond Lane, 174 Dockwell Gate, 103 Dousland, 68, 173 ; Socket-stone at. 67, 68 Down Kidge, 103 ; Crosses on, 100, lOI Drake, Sir Francis, 61 Drewsteignton, 136 Drift Lane, 149 Dry Lake, 72 Lakes. loi Dunsland Cross, 121 Dunstonc. Granite block at, 164 Durdon Cross, 121 EASTERN' BEACON, The, 10 ; Track near, 72 Eden. Richard, 93 Elfordkigh, 45 Elfords, The, 65, 66