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Devon Notes and Queries

Founder duly cared for, and extended as circumstances per- mitted. The principal parts of the building, porch, house. and chapel, are profusely ornamented wiih sculpture of subjects similar to those found on his Chantry in the church, with accompanying; precatory inscriptions for his soul's welbre. Under the cornice in front is: — " Haiu grace ye huh and ever pray, for the soifles of John and Jone Greawaye." and on the west end of the ChaF>el : — " fohn ami Jone Gre'w'y fowndtrs of ihis plaee" " Rest av'hyieye that may, — Pray ye for mt bi nyte and daye." John Greneway made his will 6 Aug. 21 Henry VIII (1529-30) and died the same year. In it for his almshouses he provides — for the h^italion of live poor iiicii, tt> have there ciinliiiual abideing and habitation in the same, every oiie of them to have in the house a livenl house :ind cliamber hy himself, and exery one of them to have weekly every week in the yere an.i yerely and weekly (or ctct, eightpence of good and lawful money of England, to pray dayley for me the said John Greneway, Jotiannah my wifFe, and for all Christian people " and directs " that choice should t>c made of nuch persons as be impotent and aged, not able to serve and gel their livinge, and have not wtierewllh to find them- selvei meat, drinke, and cloths," (he accounts of the trustees to be duly audited yearly, and put into a ctiesl safe locked, and the same chest to