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Page:Devonshire Characters and Strange Events.djvu/137

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Three to One:

Being, An Englifh-Spanifh Combat,

Performed by a Wefterne Gentleman, of Tauyftoke in Deuon fhire,

with an Englifh Quarter-Staffe, againft Three Spanifk

Rapiers and Poniards, at Sherries in Spaine,

The fifteene day of Nouember, 1625.

Ln the Prefence of Dukes, Condes, Marqueffes, and other Great

Dons of Spaine, being the Counfell of Warre.

The Author of this Booke, and Actor in this Encounter, Richard Peccke.

Printed an London for I. T. and are to be sold at his Shoppe
Manly Peeke in his encounter with three adversaries
armed with rapiers and poignards