The servant at once opened and asked what he wanted. He stated his case and his need of help. "I'll go and call Dr. Budd," said the maid.
"Budd here! Budd there! Budd everywhere! I'll be off!" And, completely cured, away went the sick man as hard as his legs could carry him.
Whether he became a steady working man, or whether he fled the county and the region of Budds to malinger elsewhere, was never known, but the Devon workhouses saw him no more.
Budd was called to see a lady one night after dinner. As soon as he reached the room, feeling his own condition, he staggered to the foot of the bed, clung to a bedpost, and exclaimed, "Drunk, by Gad!" and walked or reeled out of the room. Next morning a letter came from the lady, with a handsome cheque, and a petition that he would not mention the condition in which he had found her.