Gifford, William, 681
Gilbert, Sarah, 123
Giles, Sir Edward, 218
Gill, Mr., 27
Gillespie, Elizabeth, 572
Gist, Thomas, 274
Gladding, Major, 661
Gladstone, W. E., 775
Glandfeeld, Mr. See Glanville
Glanville, John, 97
Glanville, Judge, 95–106
— M P. for Tavistock, 97
Glanville, Mr. George, 505, 506, 508
Glanville, Nicholas, 102
Glimpses of the Supernatural, 258
Glubb, Mr., 541
Goddess of Death, the, 211
Godolphin, Sir Francis, 97
Golds worthy, 414
Goletta, 158
Goodleigh, 754
Goodrich, Rear-Admiral J. G. C., 786
Goodridge, George Medyett, 332–350
— goes sealing in the Pacific, 333
— is shipwrecked, 335
— his life on the island, 383
— is rescued, 347
Gorges, Sir Arthur, 187
Gorham, Rev. G. C, 48
Gould, W. Drake, 622
Gravesend, 281
Gray, John, 698
Greathead, Bertie, 450
Greenhithe, 362
Greenlaw, James, 679 note, 683
Greenwich, 484
Grenofen, 772
Grenville, Elizabeth, 206-209
Grenville family, the, 565, 710, 785
Grenville, Lord, 418
Grenville, Sir Bernard, 232
Grenville, Sir Richard, 197–207, 279
— imprisoned, 200, 206
— hanged in effigy, 203
— takes possession of Fitzford, 204
Grey, James, 158
Grey, Miss, 429
Grey Woman, The, 129–135
Grills, William, 196
Grimspound, 701
Grosvenor, Earl, 448, 450, 451, 452
Groves, James, 682
Guiller, Charles, 640
Gulwell, 619
Gunstone, Sir Thomas, 235
Gutch, 46
Hagabets, John, 699
Halberton, 490
Halhead, Mr., 393
Hall, 772
Hall, Bishop, 249
Hall, Mr. S. C., 576
Hall, Stephen, 676
Halley, Dr., 126
Halse, Miss, 558
Hamlet, John, 687
Hamlyn, Joe, 703
Hammett, Sir Benjamin, 105
Hankford, Sir William, succeeds Judge Gascoigne, 182
— at Annery, 182
— his accidental death, 183
— his monument, 184
Harborne, 329
Hare, 405
Harkett, 133
Harrington, Countess of. See Maria Foote
Harrington, Earl of, 33
Harris, Sir Christopher, 187, 280
Harris family, the, 217
Harrison, G. H., 606
Hart, Mr. Charles, 21
Hartland, 236
Hartland Chronicle, The, 234 note, 237 note
Harwood, Colonel, 399
Hastings, 577
Hatherleigh, 54, 539, 540, 710, 712
Hatton, Lady Elizabeth, 195