Page:Devotions - Donne - 1840.djvu/163

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goodness upon the whole world by the wonted means and instruments, the same sun and moon, the same nature and industry, so to continue the same blessings upon this state and this church by the same hand, so long as that thy Son, when he comes in the clouds, may find him, or his son, or his son's sons ready to give an account, and able to stand in that judgment, for their faithful stewardship, and dispensation of thy talents so abundantly committed to them; and be to him, O God, in all distempers of his body, in all anxieties of spirit, in all holy sadnesses of soul, such a physician in thy proportion, who art the greatest in heaven, as he hath been in soul and body to me, in his proportion who is the greatest upon earth.

IX. Medicamina scribunt.

Upon their Consultation, they prescribe.


THEY have seen me and heard me, arraigned me in these fetters, and received the evidence; I have cut up mine own anatomy, dissected myself, and they are gone to read upon me. O how manifold and perplexed a thing, nay, how wanton and various a thing is ruin and destruction! God presented to David three kinds, war, famine, and pestilence; Satan left out these, and brought in fires from heaven and winds from the wilderness. If there were no ruin but sickness, we see the masters of that art can scarce number, not name all sicknesses; every thing that disorders a faculty, and the function of that, is a sickness: the names will not serve them which are given from the place affected, the pleurisy is so; nor from the effect which it works, the falling sickness is so: they cannot have names enough, from what it does,